Tuesday, February 11, 2025

back to rouen

We went to Rouen the other day, for breakfast #2 or lunch #1 whichever you choose to say it was...

It was our second time to come here for their breakfast, but I guess I didn't post about it before...

The breakfast comes with toast, butter, jam, and a hard boiled egg...100 yen (tax included) plus the price of the drink you order.

We ordered their blend coffee...500 yen (tax included) each, so our total was 1200 yen (tax included)

I love how well the bread is toasted and the coffee delicious.

I think I just love having someone else making breakfast..ha!

90 minute limit so that others may enjoy their cafe too.

We'll be back.


  1. Love the "morning service" type breakfasts in Japan Kat!

    1. Kirk, they are delicious & rather convenient. Take care, Kat


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