In recent years, I pre-order them from Tabechoku’s group of farmers
Back in October of last year, I pre-ordered 4 kilos to be delivered in January
One reason I chose this farm was the price for the blood oranges and shipping were reasonable…5218 yen (tax included)
The specs of the order was that 2 to 7 days from January 15th, the order would be sent out
Well, January 17 (2 days) came and went and so did January 22 (7 days)
I wrote to the farm as well as to Tabechoku
The farm replied that since the summer was so hot and that there were a ton of kamemushi (stink bugs) their crops were late and the quality of their products were not so good.
While I understand that not everyone is tech savvy, the farm still could have at least communicated this to us, instead of letting the delivery date lapse
So the farm said they would send our order out some time next week…
Tabechoku also replied and pretty much said the same things the farm did…
So on the last day of January, my order finally came
Since I would be going out during the day, I left a note on our door (wish I had taken a photo of it) for the Kuroneko Yamato guy to leave the box outside our apartment.
I came back from my holoholo, and it still hadn’t come, so I left the note on the door
‘cuz somehow I just knew it would be delivered when I was about to go bocha (take a bath) or while I was using the toilet
Sure enough, I’m getting ready to bathe and “pin pon” (the sound the door bells make in Japanese) the door bell rings…after coming out of the bath, I looked outside, and there was the box
The delivery guy took my note, probably for proof that I said it was okay for him to leave my box outside of our apartment.
Anyway, it was delivered, they aren’t the usual reddish color on the outsides nor do they have the fragrance of blood oranges when I opened the box
And due to global warming, they are all sorts of least they are sweetAnd even with all the stress still thankful we will be able to enjoy some blood oranges this year.
Glad you got them!
Jalna, me too! Take care, Kat
Good that they finally arrived Kat! They should do a better job communicating though.
I agree Kirk, Take care, Kat
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