Thursday, March 06, 2025

yosano roaster kyoto

A welding craftsman in Yosano, Kyoto, that makes parts for bicycles decided to try his hand at roasting coffee and making chocolates.

I learned about his story from a television show.

He designed his own ceramic infrared coffee roasting machine and also designed a machine that will separate the nib and husk for cacao beans.

We tried his Rwanda Skyhill coffee. I wished he had more info, like the farm it came from.

I thought the taste of this coffee was smooth, not too much acid, I enjoyed it.

His Inemankai bar won a Silver Award at the International Chocolate Awards, 2021-2022 Asia Pacific

This bar uses 70% Colombian chocolate, kodaimai (red rice) and sake kasu (rice wine lees)

I couldn't taste any rice or sake kasu but the chocolate overall was smooth a little fruity

The Sparkling is 70% Vietnam chocolate and Amanohashidate Sparkling wine.

If you've ever tried grapes in Japan, it tasted just like it, really fruity! and lots of grape flavor
The Amanohashidate Wine, uses 70% Tanzania chocolate, and red wine, which I couldn't pick out, but again, this was a smooth tasting bar.

I'm glad we tried these chocolates and his coffee and loved the packaging , it was nice supporting a small business, and I hope he'll continue to succeed.


  1. what a creative guy. From welder to coffee roaster to chocolates. amazing!

  2. Oooooh, I love the artwork on the packaging!

  3. Very nice Kat! Which chocolate was your favorite?

    1. I would say the grape one Kirk, because the grape flavor was strong and different especially with dark chocolate, Take care, Kat


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