Saturday, December 31, 2005


Having started blogging for about 3 months now, I have entered a new and exciting world. I have found that there are many food blogs out there, this means they write mostly about...FOOD. Their photos and creations are awesome, mouth watering and really professional looking (and I'm sure must taste just as great!!).

Many have original formats for their blog pages. And one thing you realize when reading other food blogs is that there is a gourmet gene in all of us. A lot of food blogs link you to other food blogs. Everyone sharing the world of food. It's so nice!!

The internet is truly a powerful tool. It links people from around the world together. As my page hit counter shows, I've had hits from places such as Denmark, France, Australia, New York, Texas, Minnesota, Germany, Canada, Singapore, Beijing and as far away as Iceland! WOW!!

My blog is mostly about food, but still a diary of sorts. Reading other blogs I am introduced to their world of food and truly learn a lot from them. A lot include recipes, so you can try to re-create them.

I'm really glad that I started this blog and am learning day-by-day the little behind the scenes for this blog to actually become a blog of my own. (parts of this blog, took some serious computer programming techniques...)

I still have a lot more to learn about blogging, but look up to my "sempai" (senior) bloggers to show me the ropes. :)

This photo was taken last year at a temple near our home called "Katsuoji". The chinese characters stand for "katsu" to win, "ou" meaning king or tail and "ji" meaning temple.

Most rulers of early Japan came to this temple to pray for "winner's luck". This temple exercised higher prayer power than the Emperor of Japan. The "daruma" is a tumbling doll.

You color in one side of his eye to wish for success in something (entrance exams, etc.) When your wish is granted, you color in the other eye. At this temple, the daruma is offered in prayer to receive "winner's luck" for sports, art, elections, business, and passing entrance exams.

We hope you have a winning 2006!! And may the New Year be filled with lots of new recipes, lots of exciting and delicious experiences and new connections.

Kat & Satoshi


  1. Hi Katoshi,
    I love how you made the analogy between the katsuoji and your kind wishes for the new year.
    It's delightful to read about your culture and country.
    My very best wishes to you and your family for the new year.

  2. Hi Zoubida,

    Thanks for visiting.
    I enjoy reading your blog too. The dishes you create are so delicious looking, I wish the aroma could travel through the internet!

    Happy New Year!

    Kat & Satoshi


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