Thursday, January 12, 2006

i'm it! i'm it??...

I was tagged "it" by Ivonne of Cream Puffs in Venice. I didn't really know what was going on or what an MEME (does it stand for something?) was...but am happy to be included and will try to answer the questions that she has passed along...

7 things to do before I die:
1. have a child (the clock is ticking rather loudly...)
2. visit Provence (really want to see the lavender farms)
3. visit the Northern most & Eastern most points of Japan (since I've seen the Western most and Southern most already)
4. learn more foreign languages such as French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese (so I can read more food blogs!! and communicate with everyone better!)
5. visit Amsterdam (again! love the tulip fields)
6. visit New Zealand
7. try the recipes in all my cookbooks at least once

7 things I cannot do:
1. go without eating chocolate
2. go into a bookstore without checking out the cookbook section
3. go into a beadstore without buying beads
4. stop thinking about food
5. stop thinking about travelling
6. go into a cafe without ordering dessert and something to drink
7. stop dreaming of food & travelling

7 things that attract me to blogging:
1. the delicious photos
2. the people who write outstanding and interesting commentary
3. the great recipes and ideas you come up with
4. the expansion of my culinary knowledge
5. seeing what others are cooking and eating
6. checking out what cookbooks others have (so I can buy the same ones that they have)
7. the exchanging of food and culture with others from around the world

7 things that I say most often:
1. "Is it dark?" (chocolate)
2. "Ooh, what's for dessert? "
3. "Hmm, what can I buy for dessert?"
4. "Let's try this new cafe I saw on someone's blog/website"
5. "What should we have for lunch?" (during breakfast...)
6. "I'm hungry"
7. "Can I add on dessert with my lunch?"

7 books I love:
1. Chocolat by Joanne Harris
2. Under the Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes
3. Blackberry Wine by Joanne Harris
4. Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain
5. French women don't get fat by Mireille Guiliano
6. Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
7. Dreams from my Father by Barack Obama

7 movies/dvds I watch over and over:
1. Will and Grace Season 1
2. Will and Grace Season 2
3. Will and Grace Season 3
4. Friends Season 1
5. sorry, I don't own any more movies or dvds.... :(

7 tags: (I hope the people I tag won't mind...)
1. Michele at Oswego Tea
2. "Obachan" at Obachan's Kitchen & Balcony Garden
3. Keiko at Nordljus
4. Nicky & Oliver at Delicious Days
5. "Clare eats" at
6. "NS" at San Francisco Gourmet
7. Amy at Blue Lotus


  1. If I am not fully wrong, "Même" Missing ê accent is French for "same" ;-)
    And yes, definitely go to New Zealand. A fabulous country!!!


  2. Hi Bea,
    I looked up what Meme was, and it said "an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture", thanks for your definition!!
    Looking forward to visiting New Zealand in the future!
    Take care.
    Kat & Satoshi

  3. Hi Kat & Satoshi!

    Great list! I see that we have many of the same books in common ... I love "Under the Tuscan Sun" as well.

    Your site is really interesting ... I'm so glad that I found it!

  4. Hi Ivonne,

    Thanks for the tag. It was a great, thought provoking one!

    Have a great weekend!

    Kat & Satoshi


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