Saturday, May 20, 2006

herbes de provence

I bought Herbes de Provence when I was in Hawaii. It is an herb mix that is made up of thyme, basil,savory (an herb from the mint family), fennel seeds, and lavender flowers.

We had this for breakfast this morning, but I had pre-cooked this last night--I put pearl onions, sliced potato, chicken and red bellpepper into a foil. Drizzled about 1/2 Tablespoon of olive oil and 1/2 tsp of the herbs, plus a grind or two of fresh black pepper.

Then I cooked everything in a 400F(200C) oven for about 25 minutes. And then put it under the grill for about 5 minutes.

It smelled wonderful and I wanted to eat it last night!

Satoshi enjoyed this dish and said that everything still had its own flavors and weren't overpowered by the herbs. It was really good.

On Saturdays, Satoshi has his weekly German language class, so we usually don't have lunch until 2, this should tide us over until then.

I think these herbs will be good on pizza. ;)

Typhoon update: the typhoon has subsided but left us with LOTS of RAIN!


  1. What a great breakfast/brunch dish, Kat! Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Hi Ivonne,

    It was very tasty. If you have these herbs, please try it!

    Enjoy your weekend too!


  3. I just like the fact that when I read cooking with french herbs and then german language classes within the context of one post, I feel so culturally enlightened. To top it off you are blogging from Japan!! Yeah!

  4. Hi Rowena,

    Thanks! I really enjoy your blog too :)



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