Tuesday, July 18, 2006

rain rain go away...

The weather has been awful. It has been raining off and on, which doesn't help dry all the laundry that I had after our climb...sigh!

Changing the subject, I've started eating Dagoba's Mon Cherri bar. It is a 72% cacao with cherries, cranberries and vanilla. It is a very good dark chocolate, but I'm a little disappointed though since there aren't many cherries or cranberries and you can't really taste the vanilla in it.

I've read on their site that they will come out with covered nibs soon--will be on the lookout for these and their singles (small squares of dark chocolate).

Hope you are keeping cool & dry where you are!


  1. I recognize those labels!

    Sam from sweet pleasure:plasir sucre sent me some.

    So wonderful!


  2. Hi Jasmine,

    I hope you got a lavender one too, it is delish!

    Thanks for stopping by!



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