Tuesday, August 08, 2006

b.p.w. (part 2)-updated

My postcard went into the mail on August 1st. I checked on Meeta's blog to see all the other cards being sent out. It was kind of like waiting for Christmas Day but being able to look into all the packages.

And then, my postcard came in the mail today! I was really happy. Too bad, something is wrong with Blogger, I can't upload my picture of the card. :(

Here's what the card looks like on my new blog friend, Ricky's Seventeen Tomatoes blog. His postcard is a picture of Butchart Gardens in Victoria, B.C. I've never been to this part of Canada and love to see flowers and botanical gardens, so, I'll definitely have to put this place on our list of places to travel to.

Thanks Meeta for coordinating this event! It was definitely fun.

UPDATE: I was finally able to upload the card that I received....
thanks Ricky for the pretty card and cheery message!


  1. I am so happy that you got it. I also checked all the postcards being sent out...lol

    I should get my card today as postoffices were closed due to long weekend. It was BC Day.

    Butchart Gardens is a good place to visit during summers because all the flowers are at full bloom and every Saturday night they have an awesome fireworks display.

    I love it how you displayed the postcard with my blog in the background. Thanks!!

  2. Fantastic, Kat! I'm still patiently waiting for my postcard ...

  3. Thanks again Ricky!
    I hope you get your card soon, Ivonne!
    Take care you two.

  4. I was drooling over your spicy veggie stew in the previous post...just can't believe how hot it is over there! The temps have cooled down in Italy and finally, my appetite is a little better. I'm one of those that loses it when the heat rises.

    Cute to see the postcard. Always fun to receive something other than bills in the mail! :-D

  5. Hi Rowena,

    Glad to hear it has cooled down a bit in Italy and that you have your appetite back. Gosh, what would I do if I lost that??

    In Japan, most of the bills are paid by the bank, just sign up the companies that need to be paid and they are automatically paid! So, the only kind of mail we usually get is junk mail, so this postcard was really nice to receive!

    Take care.



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