Saturday, August 12, 2006

"perfect" fruit

Sorry, I need to vent a little...remember yesterday how I was talking about how fruits and vegetables are wrapped and most of the time perfect? (here)

Well, these "perfect" peaches weren't :( I cut one of them for breakfast this morning and as soon my knife went in, I realized that it was really hard and not even ripe, so I re-wrapped it in hopes that it will ripen soon...

That's what I don't like about this pre-packaging method. You can't hold it in your hands to feel the fruit, or even smell it. Most times all you can do is turn the package upside down to see if the other side is bruised or moldy. Sometimes they fool you into thinking that they are perfect, but when you open them up at home, they hid all the bruised areas (perfectly) with the packing materials...

The tape they use to wrap the package with is so strong sometimes that a lot of times you end up bruising the fruit or veggie yourself by trying to take off the plastic wrap and the tape!

And these babies cost a pretty penny too...almost $5 for the two!

Sigh...I hope they ripen soon....thanks for listening!


  1. Kat,

    Trying putting your peaches in a paper bag with a banana. Leave it on the counter and you'll see that they will ripen quickly.

  2. oh my goodness! FIVE dollars for two? I am afraid I would have to buy canned.........Guess I should ask if canned if better and cheaper over there. COurse canned does not tast like fresh picked.

    Have a wonderful week.

  3. That's insane - I can't believe you paid so much for 2 underripe peaches :( I guess one of the things I love so much about living in Australia is our fresh produce, I can't imagine living without it!

  4. Hi Ivonne,
    I actually just left them out on the counter during the day. Our place warms up so much that they are ripe! Will put them in the fridge to have for breakfast tomorrow! Thanks for the tip.

    Hi Drama Queen's Mom,
    I don't like to buy canned, it is cheaper but they put it in such sweet syrup.

    Hi Ellie,
    Yes, the prices here ARE insane. We get lots of fresh produce, but since the weather has been really weird--lots of rain and flooding, the produce level has dropped substantially. Plus, I think the gas prices have raised the prices of everything in general.

    Have a nice week everyone!


  5. Ripe peaches are divine, and unripe peaches are useless. My favourite fruit-shopping experience was at small fruit markets in europe where the customer isn't allowed to touch the fruit. The fruit-monger asks you what you're looking for (i.e. peaches to eat today? or for your picnic on Sunday?) and then hands you the perfect specimens, unmauled by hundreds of other customers.
    (sigh). (Thanks for visiting my blog, btw!)

  6. Hi Julia,
    Thanks for sharing your experience. I once bought fruit from a local fruit seller here and ended up with rotten kiwis...sigh. I'm glad that the fruit sellers in Europe are so kind.
    Take care.


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