Friday, November 24, 2006

carrot potato & tomato spiced soup

It is the day after Thanksgiving, what will you do with your leftover turkey or are you still at the malls? I couldn't find any turkey here, maybe I didn't know where to look--even the Subway sandwich shop was too far, so I couldn't even eat a turkey sandwich for my Thanksgiving.

When I was at home, I got to the point of hating to eat turkey and would purposely make beef curry on that day--plus, I usually couldn't spend it with family because they would go to the outer islands to spend it with my grandparents and I would have to work the next day and couldn't take time off. But now that I'm FAR away from all of them, I miss eating turkey--more than that, I think it is the family get-togethers that I miss the most about this time of year.

Tonight, Satoshi had a get-together with the alumni of his university baseball club, so I had to figure out what to make for dinner for myself. I guess I could have bought something, but I had a package of carrots and potatoes "calling me" to use them....

So, here is another variation of the moroccan spiced squash and carrot soup recipe which I posted about here. This time, I used carrots, potatoes, onions and diced tomatoes. After everything was soft, I whizzed most of it in my "cute" food processor and drizzled some plain yogurt on top.

Very fast and easy and a nice way to warm up on a cold evening.


  1. I like your yogurt art.

    Holidays seem to have so much more impact when you're unable to spend them with family.

  2. Thanks Brilynn.

    I guess I never realized how much I enjoyed the family events until I moved away.

    Have a great weekend.



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