Sunday, November 12, 2006

foodie kind of weekend

It has been raining and windy the past couple of days. Yesterday Satoshi had to work, since he was out of the house, I asked him to bring us home some dessert. Here's what he brought home from a shop that specializes in seasonal fruits, Shinjuku Takano.

A tart with a custard cream-like filling and fig, chestnut, asian pear and persimmon on top.

Mont Blanc, a yellow cake bottom with chestnut cream piping and nuts all around.

A pannecotta with Australian mango diced up top.

And a whole persimmon filled with a custard cream.

Today's breakfast was masala chai, scones and an omlette with sage, basil and parsley in it.

I had seen this post on Jasmine's blog, Confessions of a Cardamom Addict, earlier this year for Masala Chai. Her recipe calls for the spices to be whole then lightly crushed. I only had these spices in the ground form, so I had to ad-lib a bit...

Masala Chai adapted from Jasmine's recipe : serves 2
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1 star anise
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
2 grinds fresh black pepper
2 scoops of Darjeeling tea
3 g sugar (1 sugar cube)

Lightly crush star anise and put all the spices and tea into a disposable tea bag.
Add 1 cup of water and bring to a boil, add the tea bag and allow to steep to desired strength.
Add milk and sugar.
Strain through a fine sieve.


NOTES: I really enjoyed this chai! Not sweet like the ones served at Starbucks and LOTS of flavor! Gosh, I wonder how it would be if I actually crushed my own spices...

Tonight's dinner was pizza. I had wanted to make a better crust since the last time--it was quite bready. I used the recipe on the yeast packet box, and found a recipe for the topping in a book my brother gave me called "The Essential Baking Cookbook". The topping is a potato, onion, capers and cheese pizza, no sauce, just olive oil.

NOTES: I pricked and pre-baked the crust, and it still poofed up a bit, I put the topping on and baked it for 20 minutes. The recipe called for goat cheese, but I couldn't find any, so I used camembert. It was still a bit bready, so I'll have to figure out if I should cut the amount of dough used for the pizza. Other than that, it was delicious!

Hope you have a great week!


  1. Those desserts all look amazing! My gawd, I think if I lived in Japan I'd just spend all my money on pastries and sweet treats!

    I should really give that chai a try - I love drinking the stuff but have never actually tried making it myself (I buy premixed bags from the Indian grocery store :P)

  2. I'm just about to sleep and saw those sweet dishes.. It's not good. I'd better turn the computer off now before I start to crave something I can't get anywhere. :)
    It is very impressive.

  3. Those desserts are very drool inducing... mmm chestnuts...

  4. Hi Ellie,
    If you have the spices on hand, give it a try, it is super easy!

    Thanks Sue and Brilynn, Japan's sweets are always very pretty and delicious too. If I weren't living here, I think I would spend all my money on them like Ellie!

    Take care everyone!


  5. Thanks Paz, you should really try making the chai, it is really easy.

    Take care!


  6. Wow what awesome desserts! I love chai but haven't gotten around to making it. The recipe looks easy I'll try it one day. Your pizza looks really ono too! Thanks for the great ideas!

  7. Thanks Laura,

    I hope you will try the chai soon, it is really easy!



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