Wednesday, November 15, 2006

mini jam crostata

I first saw this recipe on Ivonne's blog, Cream Puffs in Venice, printed it out and set it aside to try at a later date. Well, I finally got the ingredients together and it is also finally cooler to be baking, so I decided to try it.

The fruit jam that I used was a mixed berry made by an Austrian company called D'arbo, which I found at an up-scale supermarket in the neighborhood.

I think it is also yuzu season here. Yuzu is a citron and sometimes looks like a wrinkly orange. I zested this and put it into my dough.

NOTES: I wasn't sure as to when to use the zest, so I put it into the dough. I also cut this recipe in half because there is only the two of us. This recipe is very easy. I split the dough in half and pressed it into two ramekins--one serving, being 1/2 a ramekin. Since I didn't have walnuts, I topped the crostata with macadamia nuts.

The lemony crust, with semi-sweet jam, matched with the mac nuts and was delicious with some Indonesian Java tea.


  1. Kat, this looks really good. Just hearing the words yuzu and lemon, makes my mouth watery and sour. I want to try some of it too. I wish I am good at baking. (I am very terrible at it)

  2. Hi Sue,

    I hope you try this recipe, it is quite easy. I saw your cookies and they looked great!

    Take care and happy cooking.


  3. Hi Kathy!

    Long time no see...sorry...
    Your contents become richer and richer. It is impressive.

    Cream puff!!! Yummy!

    I notch up a visit :p
    take care!

  4. Your Crostata looks perfect! And you choose a very good marmalade!
    Greetings, Claudia

  5. Looks lovely and comforting. Yum!

  6. Another ideal advice for me as to what to make for my son this afternoon!! I will use some left-over apricot jam and the zest of Yuzu. Already making my mouth watery!

  7. Thanks Aya, nice to hear from you!

    Thank you Claudia & Bea!

    I hope you are able to try this Mihoko, and enjoy it.

    Take care everyone!


  8. Doesn't Ivonne's blog always have the greatest things? Your recreation of her dish looks great, I like the use of macadamia nuts.

  9. She does, Brilynn, she does.

    Thanks for stopping by.


  10. Hi!

    I'm so glad you tried this! Wasn't it fantastic ... and yours looks just beautiful. I especially like the jam that you used!

  11. Hi Ivonne,

    The crostata was really good. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

    Take care.



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