Wednesday, January 17, 2007

salon du chocolat

Now, I knew I loved chocolate, but didn't realize how much of a "foodie" I was until recently...actually since starting this blog and reading other food blogs, my information on food and things related has expanded ten-fold!...

While looking up something on the web, I came across the Salon du Chocolat site. A lot of bloggers have posted about this event in the past. And while I thought that it was only held in Paris and NYC, I delved deeper to find out that it has been also held in Tokyo and Kyoto for the past 5 years! All while I am enjoying the sunshine and tradewinds of Hawaii....sigh...oh wella, you can't have it all and there is always next year!


  1. How lucky can you be to have all those wonderful Frenchie stores there in Japan!

  2. I am glad that I realized these stores Jann. Now I can have a taste of France!

    Take care.

  3. my poor you ;-) Missing something like this. I missed the Parisian one twice while I was there too! ;-)

  4. I am definitely checking this out next year, Bea! I hope you will be able to check out the Paris one.

    Take care.

  5. I am becoming more of a foodie every day too. :)

  6. Sue, Isn't becoming a foodie fun? I love it!

    Take care.


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