Wednesday, February 28, 2007

and then there was NO light

Last night, I was watching Oprah's Dream Academy Program when the lights flickered and went out.

It wasn't only our house, it was our residential area, plus neighboring areas too! We scrambled for candles and our hand-crank-solar cell-emergency radio.

No radio programs could give us any information on the power outage and the electric company was working on the problem.

I guess you really don't realize how much electricity rules your life until something like this happens.

And hour and a half later the power was restored, I'm thankful that we weren't in freezing conditions. I'm also thankful that they are re-broadcasting Oprah's program this weekend, so hopefully our local station will show it too and I'll be able to see it in its entirety.

Hope your week is going well.


  1. We had this happen often when we lived in Seattle-always a good idea to have a flashlight close by-but,it is fun once in a while not to have electricity and wonder how we ever lived without it! I need it!!!

  2. Isn't it weird how you don't appreciate things until they aren't around, Jann?

    Take care.


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