Thursday, July 19, 2007


Since Satoshi is on a business trip (he'll be back later this afternoon...yeah!), I've had lots of "me" time--which means I can go to sleep at a decent hour (not having to wait up for Satoshi to come home), get up a little later than normal and leisurely get breakfast together without running around trying to get Satoshi fed and out of the house on time.

So, with all that "me" time, I've been having these with my breakfast....cappuccinos. I don't have an espresso maker, so it is just coffee with milk that is heated then frothed. I read somewhere that the milk needs to be heated in order for it to froth. Also, I think if it were made with espresso it would then be called a latte. (I always get the two mixed up.) If anyone can tell me the difference between the two, I'd really appreciate it.

p.s. this is a Bodum tea cup, but I like to use it for cappucinos because you can see the definition of coffee and froth.


  1. I don't know how it's considered in the states or elsewhere, but a cappuccino or cappucio is simply a coffee beverage with that white milk foam on top of a regular espresso. Lattes have more milk ratio to coffee.

    Contrary to what one would believe, they don't always make perfect cappucci in Italy. All that tight, thick foam and whatnot? Phooey! As long as the milk is foamed, they'll pour/scoop it right onto your java!

  2. Thanks for the clarification, Rowena! and I'm surprised that Italy doesn't make the perfect cup of cappucci.

    Take care!

  3. I stopped drinking coffee maybe three years now. Drink hot chocolate nowadays. I like it. Supposed to be healthier for you. Something to do with the chocolate. I'm gonna look for the article, I saved it somewhere.

  4. I heard that about hot chocolate, I think that is why there is such a big campaign on cocoa here, Nate, still I love my coffee. :)

    Take care.

  5. i could use one of those right now with a crispy buttery croissant dunked right into it! -bourgogne

  6. I'm back here again 'cause it's so hot, no way I'm hanging outside. I need to think up another hobbie.

    Back on the previous bag post, I am appalled at the price! Tell you what, if when I'm back in France for a visit, I'll get you one of those large shopping sacks that support WWF (and I am so not talking about those wrestling kooks!). I owe ya one!

  7. We had mini croissants and the chocolate croissants (pain de chocolat?) for breakfast this morning, Bourgogne!

    I think you should do the hiking during the fall and spring, Rowena, summer is a bit too hot to do it, unless you are hiking near a river or waterfall. I still can't believe that people would actually trample each other for that bag! crazy!

    Take care you two!

  8. It was good, Tara!

    Thanks for stopping by, take care.


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