Tuesday, August 21, 2007

another kind of latte

I know I've been whining endlessly about how scorching it is outside, but inside with the a/c on, brrr...it is cold.

I wanted to use up some matcha (green tea) & kinako (powdered soy bean) that I had, so I looked in a cookbook and found a recipe for matcha milk (green tea milk). I used the recipe and substituted the matcha with the kinako/matcha mixture.

Kinako Matcha Latte adapted from "Onomimono wa ikaga desu ka?"

Put one teaspoon of the matcha/kinako mixture into a pot with one tablespoon of sugar and one cup of milk. Heat. Using a milk frother, whip it up. Add a dash of the matcha/kinako powder on top for decoration. (If you don't have kinako, just make this with matcha only.)

The froth wasn't as thick as when you froth up milk alone, but it was really easy, a little sweet (not as sweet as Starbucks chai latte, which is way too sweet for me) and tasted wonderful.

Changing the subject, as I was cooking pasta for my dinner, I noticed the clouds outside.

When I looked in this direction, the clouds looked like they were bursting out from one point.

And these just looked huge--something I have never seen before.

Hope you are beating the heat where you are!


  1. Kat, you are killing me. As if the one-two of the latte and pasta weren't enough, then you hit us with the entire sky! You my friend, have a unique talent for really packing it into a post.

    Thank you.

  2. Aww thanks Monkeywrangler, you made my day :)

    Thanks for stopping by, take care!

  3. I love to sip matcha lattes (I'm drinking one right now) - what a great method.

    I have a Japanese friend who brought back some matcha on her last trip. It seems fresher and greener than the stuff I buy here. I use it sparingly because I don't want to waste it!

  4. So glad you are enjoying your matcha, Karen! I think the ground up green tea is more concentrated than the leaf tea.

    Thanks for stopping by and take care.


  5. I've never had matcha latte before, but I'm very keen to try it! Thanks for a great idea!

  6. Hi Pille,
    I hope you will get a chance to try this and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

    Take care.


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