Friday, August 03, 2007

culture shock

I am amazed that the land of technical gadgets and high-tech cell phones, still have people walking around the neighborhood checking people's meters! (Satoshi says that he remembers when they used to actually have to come into the houses to check the meters.)

Walking around the neighborhood, I often see the meter people loaded down with gadgets like binoculars and mirrors attached to pointers to check the meter. (Close up of the hole pictured above)

I am also amazed that most homeowners are kind enough to make special "peep holes" for these readers to check their meters.

Some are inconspicuous, but some are down right obvious.

Can you imagine working as a meter checker in Japan? You have to remember where each house/shop's meter is located? I bet the turn over for this job is really high.

Have a great weekend!


  1. You know, those peep holes lead to the shower.

  2. shower? not sure what you mean, Jaden.

    Thanks for stopping by. Take care.

  3. Hi, Just out of curiousity..
    How do you check people's meters in Hawaii?


  4. Hi Fan,

    I'm not too sure how the meters are checked in Hawaii. I thought they are computerized. Someone else had once told me that the electric company has a scanner so when they pass your house, the amount of usage is already input into the machine. You don't have to go house to house.

    Thanks for the question and thanks for stopping by.

  5. I thought this post was rather interesting and funny at the same time. :-D I just had this image of a nerdy-looking guy running around all loaded up with meter-reading gadgets going house to house peeking into holes! Hilarious, even if for the person doing the job it must get monotonous.

  6. I definitely cannot get over them doing this during the summer months, Rowena! Too crazy to be walking around.

    Take care.

  7. I didn't know you had a craft blog. Must check this out....I'm thinking of getting involved with other things besides food and hiking.

    Heh heh...I just noticed that comment at the top. Real funny eh dat one? ;-P

  8. Yes I've had a craft blog for some time, crafts are another way for me to spend my time since we don't have kids, Rowena!

    I didn't understand the comment at the top, sorry!

    Take care!


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