Friday, August 10, 2007

hurricane kat

I wanted something to accompany my sandwich for lunch today, so I re-created my favorite hurricane-style popcorn.

I popped 1/4 cup of kernels in 1.5 tablespoons of oil. Then melted a pat of butter in the microwave.

After the kernels stopped popping, I poured the butter over the popcorn and put the lid back onto the pan and tossed everything.

Then I sprinkled some furikake (dried seasonings for sprinkling onto rice) and threw in a handful of arare (rice crackers).

Let me tell you, fresh is definitely best! no more stale arare in my hurricane popcorn.

Have a nice weekend!


  1. i've never had popcorn with furikake and arare. that sounds tasty and crunchy. we used to throw milk duds in with our popcorn! have a good weekend, kat. -bourgogne

  2. ooh milk duds sounds great in popcorn too, Bourgogne! you have a great weekend too :)

    Take care.

  3. Furikake and arare popcorn.....OH. YES!

  4. Kat, this is ingenious! This is so going to be on the table at our next movie night.

  5. :) Rowena!

    I hope you like it Ilingc!

    Take care you two.

  6. Hurricane popcorn - my one great weakness. I'm no longer allowed to keep it in the house as I will scarf an entire bag down by myself.

  7. I hear you, Myra! I used to eat an entire bag of the Kettle Corn popcorn myself.

    Thanks for stopping by and take care.


  8. This is by far my favorite way to have popcorn. I noticed a few weeks ago that the movie theater in Mililani (central Oahu) sells packages of arare and furikake that you can add to your bucket while watching a flick. Brilliant!

  9. Very nice Alan. I just hope they aren't stale like the ones that come with the hurricane popcorn mixes.

    Thanks for stopping by and take care.


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