Monday, September 24, 2007

more cosmos

I wanted to share more photos of cosmos because I really like this flower. In my last post, I forgot to mention that the Chinese characters for Cosmos is Aki Sakura (Autumn Cherry Blossoms). Don't they remind you of cherry blossoms?

The cosmos are delicate flowers and are different shades of pink. The bright colors really help perk up a gloomy day. You can also find bright orange cosmos too, but my favorite has got to be the pink.

I'm probably the last one to know about this, but I found a gadget by Big Huge Labs which helped me make this cool mosaic. Try it with your photos.

Hope you have a great week!


  1. Are you growing any of these flowers? My girlfriend in Seattle has these in pots on her back porch! They are huge and gorgeous! I hope to catch up soon on all your previous posts. We were away for two weeks on the water up in Canada, motoring~guess who was the chief cook and bottle-washer?

  2. No, Jann, I'm not growing any of these flowers. The ones we were able to see were huge too. Can't wait to hear about your motoring adventure in Canada!

    Take care.

  3. Oh, beautiful!


  4. Thanks Paz!

    Thanks for stopping by, take care.

  5. i love your flower nphotos. they look like they belong in a magazine!

  6. Thanks Bourgogne! It is all because of that neat website I talked about. It puts the photos you select into a mosaic for you.

    Take care.

  7. Mmmmmh!!!
    And cool gadget!!! Maybe I'll try it out in the near future!

  8. I hope you try it Beadexplorer, it is fun!

    Take care.


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