Friday, October 05, 2007


Ever have leftover pancakes? Well, there is an easy Japanese treat that you can make with them. It is called dorayaki (literally sweet bean paste between two pancakes).

Dora in Japanese means gong. Some say that dorayaki is called this because it resembles a gong. Others say that it is because it was cooked on top of a gong. In Kansai, it is also called mikasa because it resembles Mt. Mikasa in Nara. The first dorayaki was apparently made in the Taisho era. The pancakes that are used for dorayaki resemble castella--a sweet Portugese, part sponge cake-part pound cake from the Castilla area brought to Nagasaki in the 16th century.

Since I don't have much time on weekday mornings to make pancakes for breakfast, I usually make them the night before then re-heat them for our breakfast in the morning. While I was making them the other night, I remembered that I had some leftover sweet bean paste, so I made two extra dollar sized pancakes (actually a little bigger) and made myself a dorayaki.

Depending on the kind of pancake you make will determine how sweet your dorayaki will be. The pancakes I made didn't have any sugar in it, so the sweetness came only from the sweet bean paste. It was the perfect snack!

If you can't get sweet bean paste, don't like it or can't have it, you can also fill it with apple pie filling or even nutella--the combinations are endless!


  1. I love dorayaki but I've never made the connection between it and pancakes. I will definitely have to try this the next time we have pancakes.

  2. I hope you like it Myra!

    Thanks for stopping by. Take care.

  3. OH I LOVE these little pancake sandwiches and have eaten tons of them and never knew their name!
    Big merci :)
    Dorayaki...a sweet little name too :)

  4. I'm happy you love them Carol! The exchange of information is what I love about our blogs!

    Take care.

  5. These are perfect when you really don't want to fill up in the morning~I love the do-ahead idea, too~yummm!

  6. That is true Jann, plus you can take it with you as you go out the door.

    Take care.

  7. I love how the word dora connected with a way to use pancakes. That is cool, not to mention frugal in avoiding having to let any leftovers going to waste!

  8. I knew you would appreciate the part about the meaning of dora, Rowena!

    Take care.


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