Wednesday, October 10, 2007

kugelhof, kugelhof, where for art thou?

It is autumn, the mornings are nippy, the days still a bit warm. Chestnuts are in season. (this photo is of Haze no kanroni (candied Japanese chestnuts) chestnuts that are in a cooked in a sweet syrup.)

I had been wanting to try this recipe as soon as I saw it in the cookbook and finally got around to doing so.

It was quite easy putting the batter together, I would say that the hardest part was greasing the tin....okay and maybe washing it too.

It went into the oven and baked....for 50 minutes. Half-way through I covered it with a piece of foil because I didn't want it to get darker than it was.

"Ting!" It was time for it to come out.

I waited for 5 minutes (the recipe didn't advise how long to wait before taking it out of the tin), but had a hard time getting the cake out of the tin.

Finally, "Kerplop!" It came out....half of it did anyway. (after surfing the net, I found a recipe that said to wait 1 hour before taking it out of the tin...guess I'll have to wait longer next time.)

Even though it didn't look too nice, the outside had a crust like the tops of muffins have. The inside was moist with chestnuts in every bite. This cake was perfect with a strong cup of coffee.

Cake anyone?


  1. Hi Kat! Thanks for the comment on my blog! My husband loves ramen and we are always looking for tips about restaurants here!

  2. Hi Kat,

    I hope you and your husband get to try that place. It was our favorite.

    Take care.

  3. It definitely is chestnut season around here too, with Maddie making every effort to avoid stepping on the poky husks that litter the path we always walk on. The candied Haze no kanroni looks interesting (I like that yellow color). At first I thought they were small peaches!

  4. Hi Rowena,
    When the season gets close for the husks to start opening and falling, I always have to be careful walking under those chestnut trees.

    I'm not sure but I think the yellow color may be natural. The ones that are peeled in the stores are a light yellow.

    Would like to see what you do with your chestnuts!

    Take care!

  5. Oh that is lovely! Don't worry about what it came out still looks great...and yummy.

  6. Thank you Caffienated Cowgirl, you are too kind.

    Thank you for stopping by, take care.


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