Wednesday, November 21, 2007

li hing vinaigrette

I've written about li hing in the past. It is a local favorite in Hawaii.

When my Aunty was getting things together for her trip to Japan, she asked me what I wanted. I asked her to buy me some li hing powder.

She was nice to bring the powder and also some dried mango and dried cranberries with the li hing powder on it. (Thanks Aunty!)

I recently saw a recipe for li hing vinaigrette which is apparently being served in Alan Wong's restaurants and in the first class on Aloha Airlines.

The recipe is quite easy. I was leery of putting a raw egg into this, so I subbed the raw egg, lemon juice and salt with mayo.

Anyway, this is a very tangy dressing and great on a salad.

Li Hing Vinaigrette adapted from Alan Wong's
1 tablespoon li hing powder
1 tablespoon ume paste (pickled plum paste)
1/8 cup rice vinegar
2 tablespoons evoo
1 dollop of mayo
several grinds of pepper

Combine everything well. Use on salad.

NOTES: Although I subbed the egg with mayo, I think I may try it with the egg just to see if there is a difference. This dressing was quite salty, so use sparingly.


  1. That sounds really interesting! I've never heard of ume paste.

    I like li hing mui but I once had a chiffon cake with li hing mui frosting that was pretty gross. I'm going to look for the cranberries though, that sounds so ono.

  2. this vinaigrette sounds lovely..ume paste blended with vinegar...hmmmm..though i havent tasted lihing yet, i wonder how it taste like...

  3. Dhanggit,
    Li hing sort of tastes like ume paste, but is a bit more tangy. Sorry it is hard to explain. I hope you'll be able to try it.

    I've had that chiffon cake..blah! The cranberries are definitely addicting though.

    Take care you two.

  4. Just seeing the words "li hing" and "vinaigrette" in one go makes me want to pucker up and smile. Gosh how I love that stuff!

  5. It is making my mouth water just thinking about it Rowena!

    Take care!

  6. I meant to get some li hing powder when I was in china but totally forgot!!!

  7. oh boo Jaden! I think you may be able to find some online. Wholesale Unlimited

    Will email this to you just in case.

    Take care.

  8. Dried mangos and cranberries~that is a lovely combo...nice aunt you have there, very thoughtful!


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