Saturday, January 05, 2008

what I've been eating

It has been a couple of days since I've posted. Just wanted to show you what I've been eating.

There was bi bim bap with some of the bulgogi I had made for New Years. The egg yolks in Japan are so huge!

The other day, Alan of Ma'ona posted about chorizo egg burritos. He's currently trying to eat locally and finding that it is quite difficult since Hawaii imports most of their food. Check out his blog, it is filled with lots of great food and information.

Though the chorizo and most of the ingredients I used is not local, I hadn't had a breakfast burrito in ages, so I made some for our breakfast today.

After sauteeing the green peppers, onions and chorizo, I scrambled some egg, parmigiano reggiano and milk and poured it over the pepper mixture. When it was cooked I dolloped some salsa and we rolled it up in a flour tortilla.

Hope your first week of the New Year was a good one. Enjoy the weekend.


  1. Sunny-side egg on bibim bap is Korean-American-style.

    Raw egg yolk is the real Korean-style. That is really good!!!

  2. Thanks Nate, I didn't know that!

    Take care.

  3. Beautiful, Kat! I wanted to say thanks for the lovely card you sent which I received on Wednesday. Best wishes to you and Satoshi for 2008!

  4. lucky you!! i have been dreaming of eating a bowl of bibimpap since last week :-( it looks really yummy..

    i really need to find time to go to my asian supermaket and by my ingredients..:-)

  5. You're welcome, Ivonne!

    I hope you get to your Asian market soon Dhanggit!

    Take care you two.

  6. Actually, sunny side up is just one variation, I had it this way in Korea and that's how my mother has always served it to me - and since neither of us have ever stepped foot in the US, I'd like to think we're not too influenced by Korean-American cuisine :)

    Looks good, you've made me crave some bibim bap now!

    Ellie @ Kitchen Wench

  7. Thanks for the info Ellie! I didn't realize they serve it this way in Korea :) I hope you get a chance to make some bi bim bap.

    Take care.

  8. I love Korean Bi bim bap, especially the one they cook and bring out in the hot stone pot. I think its called ishiyaki Bi bim bap.

  9. the one in the stone pot is delicious too J-A :)

    Take care.


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