Monday, March 17, 2008

odds & ends

Just some odds and ends on this lazy Sunday.

We recently got to try some Two Ladies mochi from Hilo. My grandma's friend came to visit and brought these.

Satoshi wrote and said that he went to Takayama this weekend. There was snow. So much snow that the water wheel was frozen.

Here he is with his friend.

Leaving you with some flowers and plants from around my parent's house.

Happy Sunday and have a good week.


  1. I love the huge strawberry mochi from two ladies! They are awesome at quality control. I was watching them on tv recently (I think the news) and they had such high standards for the strawberries to make the cut to get into their mochi. And poor things, they were talking about how they have to work in a really hot, humid kitchen everyday. I guess because if it was air con, the mochi would get hard and dry out. Makes me appreciate each piece of mochi from them so much more. :)

  2. Hey kat,
    You don't have to post this comment, I was just wondering which one is Satoshi?

  3. woohoo! two ladies kitchen mochi! did you guys get any of the strawberry ones? :)

  4. OMG! Tell us how the mochi were!! Two Ladies are da bestest! Or at least I hope they still are. Anyway, just your mention of Hilo brings back a lot of memories. Gotta get back there again. :-)

  5. Those sweets looks interesting. How do they taste?

  6. Two Ladies' strawberry mochi is the best, Lori! I heard that the price differs according to the strawberries they buy.

    Hi Anon, Satoshi is on the right. :)

    No, Jenny, we didn't get any strawberry mochi. These were given to us, so we didn't get to choose. :)

    All the mochi was soft and filled with sweet bean paste, Rowena. I hope you get to go there on your next trip home!

    These mochi were sweet but not sickly sweet, Barbara. I think you might enjoy these.

    Take care everyone!

  7. By far the Stawberry ones are the best. But when I looked at the picture I didn't see it. That's okay I would have imagine what ever comes from Two Ladies bakery would be ono. I love mochi and it's a blessing to have people give them to you as a gift. Have you ever tried Happy Hearts Mochi? They are good too and have various flavors. Here's the link

    Take care!

  8. We didn't receive any of the strawberry mochi, Laura. I've heard of Happy Hearts Mochi, though I've never tried them, they are supposed to be good.

    Take care.

  9. K and I loved visiting Takayama. Wonderful historic town with so many interesting things to see. We hope to return there some day.

  10. I loved visiting Takayama too, PB. I hope you and K will get to re-visit Takayama soon :)

    Take care.


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