Friday, June 27, 2008


There have been some macarons in the past couple of weeks. Not all good, but mostly good.

The ones I got from my student were from Angelique Chiba. Citron, Caramel & Pistachio. A bit too airy, but still delicious.

She also gave me these from Palet d'Or. I had tried macaron from Palet d'Or before, but these flavors were different--chocolat, pistachio, orange, framboise & coconut. These were more like a cookie. (Thank you Yoshimi!)

I was reading something on Wikipedia which said that the traditional macaron is more cookie-like and the more modern macaron is the chewy type.

And then there were the disaster macaron from Cuore. I had seen these macaron in a Kyoto department store, but found out that their main shop was in Umeda, so I went to Umeda to buy them. Looks nice in the box, right?

Well, the guy who packed them put in an ice packet which started to melt by the time I came home.

Water in the box means the water directly touched the macaron, it was all smushy and gross (insert pouty face).

I immediately called the store to tell them they should change their ice packs to a dry type. I also emailed their head office. Surprisingly they emailed back apologizing. The earl grey macaron was pretty disappointing, it had tea on top and was really bitter with no tea flavor at all.

The outside of the macaron was crisp, but the insides kind of smushy. I don't think I'll be going back here.

I guess 2 out of 3 isn't too bad...hope you all have a great weekend.


  1. Earl grey is one of my favorite tea flavors. Too bad that one didn't taste good. :(

  2. Did the store offer you your money back or a new, complimentary box of macarons? It's the least they could do. Or is that not done in Japan?

  3. Disappointing indeed, Lori.

    No Jenster, most store's will just try to get away with things with just an apology. I guess if I asked to be compensated they might have done something.

    Take care you two.

  4. Seeing all of your macarons, I will need to satisfy a growing fixation on them. A pain that I need to fly to France in order to do so! PH, where are you when I need you? :lol:

  5. Oh, and I forgot to add that I remember those spinning playground merry-go-rounds where you'd fly off and possibly get hurt! There was always some older kid/bully that came along to make it spin faster...and then some poor little kid would fall right near the edge and get his arm stuck underneath the wooden base. I bet those things don't even exist at playgrounds anymore.

  6. Rowena,
    How far is it to Paris from where you are?? A trip to Paris may be in order...
    yup, those bigger kids would always spin those things so fast!!
    I think I saw one at our recreation center nearby my house in Hawaii...they still exist.

    Take care.

  7. Wow! Thanks for such a neat blog! I just visited Japan a week ago and want to go back! I found your blog because I was interested in the Japanese food pyramid and found your entry from a few years ago. Thanks so much for this blog! Check out my entry on my last trip to Japan (

  8. Thanks for the nice comment Ashley! I'm glad that you had a nice time in Japan :) I hope you visit again soon.

    Take care.

  9. That's too bad about the water leakage...I'm sure some accountant or marketer thought it made sense...



  10. I don't think they had the heat of summer in mind when they thought of it, Jasmine.

    Take care.

  11. Paris is about an hour's flight away. Still, I would rather go by train so that we could take both doggies...heehee.

  12. Rowena,
    By train would be cool, especially with the "kids" :) You could hang at the cafes and have people ooh and ahh at Mads and Mr B.

    Take care.


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