Sunday, June 15, 2008

osaka international airport

It is Sunday, it is also Father's Day. Happy Father's Day to all of you. Hope you get to do something you'd like to do today.

Satoshi had Thursday and Friday off, so he worked yesterday, is working today and won't be off until next Saturday. We went to stay with his mom on Thursday and Friday, to help out with the preparations for the 100-day service coming up at the end of the month. I think she was happy just to have us around.

On a lazy weekend, what better thing to do then to head to the airport.

The Osaka International Airport is located about 10 minutes by train or 40 minutes on foot or 5 minutes by car from where we live.

When I studied in Japan (some many moons ago), this was the airport I flew in and out of.

The international flights stopped when the Kansai International Airport was built in 1994 and now, only domestic flights come and go through Osaka International Airport, or Itami airport as some call it.

With the loss of business after the international flights stopped, the airport has gone under major renovations to improve their appearance and have put in several shops and restaurants to lure people, "to just hang out at the airport".

There is a huge observation deck up top, on the weekday that we were there, there were many people (though you can't see them) eating their breakfast, having some coffee or just relaxing (maybe daydreaming of going on vacation?).

I was surprised how neat they line everything up down below.

Another thing that surprised me was the workers bowing and waving "goodbye" to the planes.

Usually for our summer vacations, we use our miles for a domestic trip, or go abroad, but with the continuing rise in gas/oil prices and food items, we are looking into using the trains for our summer vacation this year.

What are you planning to do this Summer?

Hope you have a great week, my week looks to be filled with all kinds of events, hope to be able to share them with you soon.


  1. I don't think I've seen them wave in Hawaii, Nate. Do you know if they do that there too?

    Take care.

  2. What a cool idea for a post. I'd never think to hang out at the airport but why not since doggies can get in too? (Maddie adores any place where there are tons of people to make friends with!)

  3. Come to think of it it was ANA that did it at Naha. Maybe only ANA does it. On a flight last year, there was like a half dozen out there waving. Don't know about Hawaii though.

  4. Osaka was the airport I landed at on my first trip to Japan (from Hawaii) in 1987.

    Although I'm a pilot (private) I like the Shinkansen better than commercial airlines. When I calculated the time between here (Kashima, Ibaraki) and Hiroshima it turned out to be almost the same whether by train or plane based on "door to door" - and fewer hassles.

    Still, I think the planes are inspiring to watch.

  5. Thanks Rowena,
    Maddie is so cute, I bet she makes friends wherever she hangs out :)

    Hmm, I was trying to look at JAL, but the building was blocking, Nate. Maybe you are right, that ANA is the only ones waving.

    Yes, I like the hassle freedom of the Shinkansen too, PB. I think it is cool that you are a pilot. Too bad there aren't more trains connecting the world :)

    Take care everyone.

  6. Bowing and waving goodbye is such a deep Japanese tradition, I'm actually not that surprised to learn that they do it to planes too.

    In 2 weeks, H and I will be going to Myrtle Beach for a week of golf (for him and his buddies), beach, shopping, eating, etc. I've never been there but it's apparently quite a pretty place. We'll see when we get there!

    Where are you planning your vacation this year?

  7. I've never been to Myrtle Beach either, Monique, I hope you have a great time! We're looking into a trip using the trains here :)

    Take care.

  8. I love that picture of the guy waving cute!


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