Thursday, October 02, 2008

english fair

Last year about this time, I went to an English fair at a local department store. Well, the same department store had another English fair which started yesterday.

They had a wide selection of teas as well as food items. Even a wine bar and whiskey corner.

Since I tried the tea and biscuits last year, I decided to get chocolates this time.

Prestat's Choxi 63% dark chocolate bar says it is rich in antioxidants on the wrapper...can't wait to try this...525 yen (about US$5.25) (Their bon-bons were still outrageously priced.)

William Curley, a chocolatier and patissier, was also featured for the first time in Kansai. He had several bon-bons as well as truffles and chocolate bars.

I bought the bon-bons...420 yen each (about US$4.20 each)

(top row)toasted sesame, green tea, earl grey, Japanese black vinegar
(bottom row)thyme with scottish heather honey, salted caramel & passion fruit with mango.

I really liked the passion fruit with mango, earl grey & salted caramel. All of the ganache fillings were well flavored and matched the coating chocolates.

Though the chocolates were pricey, it was a nice chance to try these products from the U.K.


  1. I would have stocked up the the chocolate too. I think salted caramel may be my favorite combo but they all sound delicious!

  2. I think you would have enjoyed this event Deb :)

    Take care.

  3. I've never tried Japanese black vinegar in a chocolate and I'm intrigued! How was it?

  4. mmmm..those chocolates sound delicious. and the flavors are so trendy too! it seems like a lot of sweets are incorporating the salted caramel and tea flavors now.

  5. hahaha high prices because it is hand-made; but better than machine-made chocolates.

    Wow Japanese black vinegar??? How does that go into chocolate, Kat?

  6. You are so lucky to have so many different "days" out there! I wish we had events like that here...:)

  7. Jenster it had a tart taste to it.

    Tea and salted caramel are surely popular here, Genki.

    I think the ganache was infused with the vinegar, Phoebe.

    Thanks Jenny, I am lucky to be living here :)

    Take care everyone.

  8. Choc bon-bons are always pricey but they are usually worth their money. Mmmmh, they all look great, they make me want to lick my screen. I should better leave your blog now ... ;)

  9. Hi, I was wondering if you would ever be interested in becoming a featured publisher with If so please conctact me at

  10. Thanks Beadexplorer :)

    Thanks Liz!

    Take care you two.


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