Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Today we are doing our O-soji. This is a fun meme, for all the items you have done, bold it. I combined some items from the Australian list as well as the American one. I also added some of my own items. If you do this meme, link back to this post. 100 things that I've done: 
1. Started your own blog (I actually have 2) 
2. Slept under the stars (in a tent, does that count?) 
3. Played in a band (marching and concert band)
4. Visited Hawaii (actually grew up there, but visited all the outer islands, except Niihau and Kahoolawe) 
5. Worked at someone's wake/funeral
6. Given my seat on the train to elderly or moms with babies 
7. Been to Disneyland (Disney World and Disneyland Japan) 
8. Climbed a mountain (Mount Fuji) 
9. Driven from the Airport to Waikiki over 10 times in a day (worked for Budget transporting rent-a-cars to various hotels) 
10. SangPlayed a solo (see #3) 
11. Worked in the gift wrapping department at a department store 
12. Visited Paris 
13. Watched a lightning storm from my apartment 
14. Seen ama (women divers) dive for pearls in Mie 
15. Campaigned for a local political candidate in Hawaii 
16. Walked to the top of Diamond Head 
17. Seen large cedar trees on Yakushima 
18. Grown your own vegetables (cherry tomatoes on the lanai) 
19. Seen the Daibutsu (Large Buddha) in Nara 
20. Seen fields of lavender in Furano, Hokkaido 
21. Had a pillow fight (afterwards got scoldings for making too much noise too) 
22. Caught a ride in a taxi with someone I didn't know 
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 
24. Been buried in hot sand with just your head and toes sticking out (Ibusuki, Kyushu) 
25. Held a koala (Taronga Zoo) 
26. Visited the Shirakawa-go (thatched houses) in Gifu 
27. Run a Marathon (walked most of the way)
28. Ridden in a tarai (tub) in Sado Island 
29. Seen a total eclipse 
30. Watched a sunrise or and sunset
31. Hit a home run (kicked one in kickball) 
32. Been in a car accident 
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person 
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (Okinawa, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi)
35. Seen an Amish community 
36. Learned a new language (also in the process of learning another)
37. Had a huge seafood dinner at Sencho no Ie, Saroma, Hokkaido 
38. Been to the top of Tsutenkaku, Osaka 
39. Been to an MC Hammer concert 
40. Seen Tokyo Tower (never been up to the top, line was too long) 
41. Sung karaoke 
42. Seen Kilauea's lava falling into the sea 
43. Climbed the steep stairs up to the top of Kumamoto castle 
44. Visited the Tohoku area of Japan 
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight 
46. Been transported in an ambulance 
47. Had your portrait painted (sketched) 
48. Gone fishing (caught mostly the pier and the people standing next to me) 
49. Walked part of the Kumanokodo, Wakayama 
50. Been to the top of the World Trade Center in NYC 
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling (snorkeling) 
52. Seen the Daibutsu (Large Buddha) in Kamakura 
53. Played in the sand 
54. Gone to a drive-in theater 
55. Been in a movie school play 
56. Visited Shanghai, China 
57. Been to Keukenhof Gardens in Amsterdam 
58. Taken a martial arts class (Aikido) 
59. Visited Japan's most southern point, Hateruma 60. Helped clean the freeways in Hawaii 
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies (never sold GSC, but did fundraise with huli-huli chicken) 
62. Gone whale watching (only saw the water spurts and a tail) 
63. Got flowers for no reason 
64. Donated books and clothing to various organizations 
65. Seen Mount Fuji with snow on top on a clear day 
66. Studied abroad for 9 months 
67. Bounced a check 
68. Bicycled through the tulip fields in Amsterdam 
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy 
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial 
71. Eaten Caviar 
72. Ran in a fun run (Great Aloha Run & Kapiolani Women's 5K) 
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades 
75. Went "skiing" in Hakuba, Nagano (actually there was a lot of sliding on my bum) 
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London 
77. Broken a bone (does making a hole in the back of my head and needing stitches count?) 
78. Been to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown 
79. Almost was trampled in the frenzy of a Japanese department store sale 
80. Eaten fugu (puffer fish)
81. Visited Saipan 
82. Bought a brand new car (actually my mom did, I paid her back) 
83. Eaten whale 
84. Been on television (Checkers & Pogo show...okay, now I have dated myself) 
85. Ice skated and Roller skated in Hawaii 
86. Visited New Caledonia 
87. Travelled, or climbed, over the Sydney Harbour Bridge. (walked across) 
88. Had chicken pox 
89. Been to Tsukiji, early market 
90. Sat on a jury (was close to sitting on one, but got excused)
91. Met someone famous' mom (Hawaii comedian, Frank Delima's mom) 
92. Seen the Three Sisters at Echo Point, Katoomba 
93. Lost a loved one 
94. Had a pet dog 
95. Visited the most eastern point of Japan, Nemuro 
96. Visited the most western point of Japan, Yonaguni Island 
97. Visited the most northern point of Japan, Wakkanai 
98. Owned a cell phone 
99. Been stung by a bee 
100. Read an entire book in a day ("The Cradle will Fall" by Mary Higgins Clark)


  1. Hey Kat!

    I'll do this meme. Please give me some time to do this. Take care!


  2. This is quite a list! Great way to reflect on the year. :)

  3. Can't wait to see your answers Laura :)

    Thanks Lori, it was not only things I did this year, but a compilation of everything in my life :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Will be interesting to read your answers Nate :)

    Take care.

  5. Hi Kat - I love this! You've done so much.

  6. hi Kat!
    inspired by your meme and did my meme post at http://elcynthia.blogspot.com/2008/12/meme.html

    i altered it however, hope you don't mind. if it offended you, tell me and will be glad to take it out. Happy New Year 2009!!

  7. Thanks Kirkk, I bet you've done a lot too :)

    Thanks Elcynthia.

    Take care.

  8. What instrument did you play in concert/marching nband?

  9. Hi PB,

    I played the flute in both marching and concert band. :)

    Take care.

  10. Wow, so many things in a year... That's amazing.

  11. Thanks JMenzel, unfortunately it wasn't in a year but over the course of my life :)

    Take care.


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