Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I recently found Johnsonville smoked brats at a local supermarket and thought they would go nicely with the bottle of sauerkraut I had in my fridge. They were 4 for 480 yen (about US$4.80).

I was looking at the back of the package and they have a Japanese website, maybe Italian sausage will soon be in our local markets?? hmmm...

So, I "grilled" the brats on my grill pan along with some onions, red bell pepper and eringi mushroom.

Since I couldn't find hot dog buns without margarine in them, I bought these long-ish raisin walnut rolls which I split open then toasted. These still had margarine in them but I figured with the raisin and walnut I offset the bad fat...

To eat this I needed a knife and fork, the outside of the brats had a nice crisp snap to them....delicious.


  1. Now I am craving a brat! They look delicious. I'll keep my finger's crossed that you get the Italian sausage!

  2. I never had a brat but the way you cooked it sounds good!

  3. he he, hope you get a chance to have one Deb :) I'm gonna keep my eyes peeled for that Italian sausage!

    Thanks Lynne, hope you get a chance to have a brat soon :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Wait a minute...did I read that correctly? Margarine already in the buns? As in already spread with marg and ready to eat? Plain hotdog/hamburger buns aren't popular? That's the first I've heard, but now I'm curious how much $ to have your rolls pre-margarined.

  5. Sorry Rowena, I meant baked into them. Though I think I have seen them with it spread into the bread/bun, not sure how much those were...will check the next time I go to the store.

    Take care.

  6. I am pretty sure that a store in Kobe on Rokko Island has Italian Sausage. I will look the next time I go.

  7. I found some at Kobe Grocers awhile back in Sannomiya, Alexis :)

    Take care.

  8. Hi Kat - Margarine already baked into the rolls? I found that fascinating....seems like they really love their (even faux) buttery stuff over there!

  9. I know Kirkk, their nutrition is really heading towards the U.S. influences...sad part is that most items at the grocery don't list all the ingredients or serving sizes.

    Take care.


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