Sunday, May 31, 2009

odds & ends

It is the end of the month, so let's clear out some photos.

There was an assorted fish (maguro, ika, salmon), shrimp salad maki for lunch one day...mmm.

We've been eating carrot and cucumber sticks with a teaspoon of olive tapenade with our dinners.

My generous blog friend, Abigail of Mamatouille sent me some Jasmine tea and Espresso flavored Kit Kats, along with some Cadbury milk chocolate and a cup of 60% Ghiradelli chips...thank you again!

The Jasmine tea flavored Kit Kat was my favorite, the tea flavor really shines through. The Espresso flavored was good also but a little on the bitter side. The Cadbury Dairy Milk was creamy.

I received these Japanese sweets, which I think are called kangori from my friend Kazumi when we went to Nose.

Kan is the chinese character for cold but also because they use kanten (agar-agar), gori is ice. These aren't cold treats but they resemble pieces of ice. Biting into them, they have slight crunch to them but the inside is gelatinous.

For another lunch, I had some inarizushi stuffed with okowa (mochi rice). These were delicious because they have assorted savory flavored mochi rice.

I made some walnut covered chicken for a dinner. I actually had made this before when I was in Hawaii, but used mac nuts then. These came out just as delicious.

I tried Ellie Krieger's Ranch dressing, it was easy and delicious. We've also been eating carrot and cucumber sticks with this dressing too.

This photo of the dog and his owner was taken in January (I think), I totally had forgotten about this photo. The owner can barely walk and uses this cart to steady herself while the dog just sits calmly as it rolls along.

My goya (bittermelon) before I "killed" it. There were aphids on my bell pepper plants and I got crazy...sprayed everything with a soapy solution and the goya plant (and bell pepper plant) dried...I am hoping for a revival.

Lastly, a bento I bought from Daiei for lunch...they had kodaimai (short wild rice), salmon, some assorted tempura and some nishime..only 498 yen (about US$4.98).

Yet another delicious month....goochisoosama!


  1. The little kangori are so pretty and the walnut chicken looks delicious. Looks like a great foodie month!

  2. Hi Kat - Man, you've been eating well!!! ;o)

  3. Too bad about the goya - I love that stuff! My basil plants were being eaten by a hairy caterpillar before I found it and dealt with it accordingly.

  4. Thanks Deb it was a delicious month :)

    My body (hips) can attest to it, Kirkk :)

    I am hoping they will revive, Abigail, cross your fingers...glad you were able to take care of that caterpillar eating your basil!

    Take care everyone.

  5. Delish -- everything you've posted here. I like the idea of the chicken and walnuts. ;-)

    Love the photo of the woman and her dog. They are such good companions and can be very patient. After I had my surgery and had to walk my dogs, they instinctively knew something was wrong, so that they didn't pull me. They were very patient with me. ;-)))

    Have a great week,

  6. Thanks Paz, that is so interesting how pets can sense things!

    Take care.

  7. Kangori? I had something similar in resturant. Had the same light and delicate look and gelatinous texure.
    Don't know what the dessert is called in Chinese, probally just jelly.
    There are a lot varied dishes and foods on a blog. I get people who sushi is only thing they east in Japan. They should visit your blog proves how wrong and ignorant they really are.

  8. Thanks Chimerastone, I guess a lot of people place sushi as their priority food when they visit Japan, I don't think it is ignorance.

    Take care.

  9. The inarizushi looks awesome, I would love to have that for lunch! ^-^ I've never had flavored mochi rice ~ sounds good.

    After we left Japan I taught myself to make homemade inarizushi because I couldn't find it in the grocery stores. They have since then started stocking it regularly ~ Yay!

    I love the photo of the obaa-san "walking" her dog in the cart. So sweet.

  10. make me feel shame that I never, ever get to clear out pics from my camera by the end of the month, so I always "cheat" (heehee) and don't mention dates. I am so sorry to hear about all your plants!

    The old lady with the dog is adorable ^-^

  11. That is so cool your market stocks them now Biologie :)

    Thanks Rowena, I used to put the dates on my photos but stopped because lots of them past...even if I clear out at the end of the month, I often have more that need posting about. I am hoping for a revival of the plants (cross your fingers..)

    Take care you two.


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