Sunday, July 12, 2009

hawaii sights & revolution tea

This cute little zebra dove (I found out what it was called on wikipedia) I spotted while sitting in the car waiting for my the zoom on my point-and-shoot!

I think this is the Waianae range (please correct me if I am wrong). As seen from the bus stop near my parent's home while waiting for the bus. On a really bad voggy (volcanic fog) day, you can't see these all.

My neighbor has a papaya tree...with lots of papaya, but up too high to reach...sigh.

In the early evenings and early mornings, we usually get a misting, sometimes a passing shower (or two), love to see these rainbows. When you live in an area where rainbows are scarce, you tend to treasure them more.

And to blog a bit about food...Revolution tea, not sure where I read about them, but was happy to find them in Japan (of all places), bought their earl grey lavender and brought it with me, it is a great balanced flavored tea. I've been sticking a tea bag into a cup of cold water and letting it sit for an hour and enjoying this iced.

What have you been enjoying this summer?


  1. Hey Kat! That looks like the Waianae Range. Love the rainbow pic! Can't get enough of those rainbows!

  2. thanks Laura :)

    Take care.

  3. A zebra dove? Way cool! I've never heard or seen of this before. Love it!


  4. Sailing and good food out on the weekends. But that papaya tree reminds me of the two I had on Maui, along with a very productive lemon tree, bananas, suriname cherry, and avocado. Yum!

  5. Beautiful pictures!

    I like Revolution Tea--they have a tangerine white and a pear white tea that are really nice and their tropical green is delicious. I'll have to try the Earl Grey.

  6. Thanks Paz, I'd never heard of it either, we just called them "doves" here :)

    Yum PB, I wish I had those trees in Japan too :)

    Thanks Deb, I'll have to keep my eyes peeld for the tangerine white and pear white teas.

    Take care everyone.

  7. I saw the tea and immediately thought...milk jam!!!

    Sure miss all those things that make Hawaii the best place ever. No rainbows here (not very often anyway).

  8. ooh yeah milk jam, I was thinking more along the lines of ice cream Rowena :)

    Take care.


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