Friday, August 07, 2009


So, after killing the piman and goya before going to Hawaii, I also replanted the piman (bell pepper)...noticed some flowers the other day.

I wonder how long it takes for them to fruit? Summer is flying by, hopefully I'll be able to tell you about them.

It is Friday here, the humidity is thick...hope you have a great weekend!


  1. Oh good! It should be interesting to track how your pepper does because my bell pepper plants just started flowering too. I know that they were waiting for hot weather, but now that it's beginning to cool down again...

  2. hope your peppers do well too Rowena, the goya seems to have started to yellow, wondering if it won't get any bigger...

    take care.

  3. You are doing a great job "rebirthing" your plants! ;-)

  4. hope they do well Debinhawaii :) so far so good!

    Take care.

  5. Hi Kat,
    I haven't commented in a while, but just wondering how your piman are turning out in the planters? I grew piman years ago in the ground when I lived at a house, but the largest one I harvested was barely larger than a cherry tomato!! I'm wondering if I should even bother growing piman on my partial sun lanai...

  6. hey rick,
    so far no piman :( I hope they don't take too long, the weather is starting to get cooler in the mornings and evenings...keep you posted though.

    take care.


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