Thursday, September 03, 2009

we're back...

We're was a great week, lots of rest and relaxation. The weather was so-so...gotta sort through the photos and figure out what I want to write about...hope to post soon!


  1. Glad to see you back ^-^ I just read your comment at the garden blog and ran to pop some blue corn...I almost started a fire in the microwave! I guess microwave corn is different (they didn't pop), and using a plain paper bag was not the wisest thing either. Made for an exciting 5 minutes though...heehee!

  2. Yipes! Rowena, if you have a heavy pot, add some olive oil/canola oil, add the corn, cover and pop for 3 minutes shaking the pot...just like Jiffypop but better :)

    Take care.


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