Monday, November 30, 2009

last days of the fall

This year, we didn't get a chance to check out our favorite fall foliage spots, partly because of the weather, partly because of Satoshi's schedule.

It is okay though, I think we still got to see a lot this year (well, I got to anyway), especially in the areas around us.

On the 23rd, we saw a couple of trees in Suigetsu Park.

Then, a couple days later, on my walk from the supermarket, I saw this HUGE maple tree in someone's yard. It was "lit" up by the sun.

An area in front of my student's house in Kawanishi.

Not only were the maple trees beautiful, the ginko biloba trees were bright and yellow.

I saw these in Honmachi the other day.

Hope you are ready, winter is coming...


  1. Hey Kat - Looks beautiful...we don't have such dramatic changes in our neck of the woods.

  2. Yesteday we drove up to the top of the mountain that we live on and there were specks of wet snow mixed in with the rain. And it was so COLD!

    I'm ready to build my igloo on the terrace. Winter? Bring it...

  3. ooh snow, exciting Rowena :)

    Thanks Kirk, it is something I look forward to now :)

    Take care you two.

  4. A little fall is better than none--I miss it! Are you ready for winter? ;-)

  5. So true Debinhawaii, I'm excitedly waiting for the flurries to start!

    Take care.


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