Thursday, November 19, 2009


Do you know what T.M.I. stands for? I didn't until a couple of years ago. It means "too much information".

Well, the empty lot in front of our building has sold and started to build a house and as I walked past, I noticed that they had a porta-potty, but not the kind with walls.

And they don't have it facing a wall or anything, just full on facing the road...I hope I never see anyone using it...


  1. I wouldn't have even realized what that was...until I peeked in.

  2. It looks like it needs a good cleaning! Ewwwwwwwwww! ^-^

  3. What I'd like to know is where they empty that container. On second thought, I DON'T want to know. TMI!

  4. Thanks Chad, Rowena, Jenster & Kirk,
    They now have it facing our apartments, rather than the road...sigh.

    Take care.

  5. Way, way way TMI for you--hope you don't have to see anything. Close your eyes when you look that way!

  6. Like I told the others Debinhawaii, they now have it facing our apartments, not the road...sigh.

    Take care.


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