Thursday, February 04, 2010

soup weather

And here I thought that Spring was coming...not!

The other day the weather here took a 180 degree turn and went back towards winter.

In Tokyo, they even had snow! (those guys are so lucky, though they may not think so...)

It has been rainy, blustery and actually quite dreary weather.

Satoshi has been working late. Since he comes home at midnight or later, feeding him dinner can be a challenge.

I want to feed him well, but at that time of night, he really shouldn't be eating so much.

So, I usually end up giving him a bowl of soup or having him drink a glass of milk (if it is really late!) then feed him for breakfast what I would've fed him for dinner.

Here are two types of soups we've been having.

A miso soup with potato, onion & kabocha. My MIL made a miso soup for us once with just potato and onion in it. I cooked the veggies for about 10 minutes then added the miso.

Usually when you make miso soup, you need to make dashi (stock) first. I cheat and use a miso that already has dashi (stock) in it.

And since I had some kim chee in my refrige that needed using, I made a kim chee chige with kabocha, eringi mushrooms, carrots and gobo (burdock). Again, I cooked the veggies for about 10 minutes and then added the kim chee & miso.

Both were perfect for these chilly nights.

p.s. Thank you for all the wonderful comments the other day, the winner for the giveaway per random number generator is Jalna, who has a great photo blog, by the way.

Please email me your address so that I can try to get the box of "stuff" out to you a.s.a.p. Hope you aren't allergic to anything I've put in there. Thanks for participating everyone!

UPDATE to see what was inside the box, click here.


  1. As someone who is currently stuck in an airport (after five hours sleep) because of snow cancelling my flight, I really can't agree with what you say about Tokyo!

    I'd really love some miso veggie soup right now, though. I feel like that might provide some comfort and alleviate the disappoinement of missing out on the event I was flying out for in the first place!!

  2. Holy Moly!! What a wonderful surprise this morning!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  3. Hi Kat - That muso with dashi in it sounds like a great idea. Sure beats usuing hondashi and all the wonderful MSG stuff!

  4. Well I must have some weather fairy or something because while the temps are not spring warmish, it isn't winter freezing far!

  5. I just found your blog! I have never tried Japanese food, but due to the inspiration from your blog I just might have to try it! I look forward to checking in regularly.

  6. Thanks Moni!

    Sorry to hear you are stuck Hannah!

    Thank you Jalna :)

    Hopefully what I'm using doesn't already have the MSG stuff in thee Kirk!

    Crossing fingers Rowena!

    Hope you like it Alison :)

    Take care everyone!

  7. Both soups look great--especially the miso one. It is soup weather here the last couple of nights too. ;-)

  8. I hope your husband has time for a good, nutritious lunch during the day since he works late so often! I would suggest cereal with milk as a light late, late night dinner, but I don't think he would appreciate it that much!lol.

  9. ooh it must be cool over there Debinhawaii :)

    nah, he hates cereal Anon.

    Take care you two.


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