Sunday, April 04, 2010

on the lanai

The weather is still funky. One day very very cold and windy! Icy would be a good word to use.

The next day, rainy and warm. I'm sure all the plants are just as confused as I am (I don't know what to wear??!!)

On the lanai, tulips getting bigger, probably going to bloom on the next sunny day.

Something is coming out in this pot...I am hoping it is goya (bittermelon).

And just so you don't think that this blog has turned to a plant blog, I want to show you a simple dinner we had last week.

Buri (yellowtail) and some steamed broccoli and asparagus with a sesame seed dressing.

I had received this fish from MIL awhile back and put it in the freezer.

Then last week, I decided to try the teriyaki sauce which Obachan posted about.

The proportions she suggested are a 1:1, so I made a sauce with...
1 tablespoon shoyu
1 tablespoon sake
1 tablespoon mirin and added a little sugar (1/2 teaspoon sugar) because I like my sauce sweet but know that Satoshi likes his not too sweet.

I cooked the fish in a little olive oil on a non-stick pan and when the fish was nearly cooked, I added the sauce to caramelize onto the fish, though I think I could have waited a bit longer for the caramelization.

The sesame seed dressing was a throw together....
1 teaspoon sugar
2 teaspoons shoyu
2 teaspoons mayonnaise
1 teaspoon sesame oil
2 teaspoons sesame paste
1 teaspoon sesame seed
1 teaspoon water

Mix well.

Have a good week!


  1. Yumm... Yellowtail.

    If you can get some, adding a bit of maple syrup and reducing the sugar is a tastier way of getting the sweet taste in there. Especially if you're dealing with someone who doesn't like their tare very sweet.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Looks delicious--I especially like that sesame seed sauce.

  3. Thanks Alesa, I will try it with maple syrup next time :)

    Thanks Debinhawaii, quick and easy, my kind of cooking :)

    Take care you two.

  4. The yellowtail looks delish Kat!

  5. Thanks Kirk, I'm glad I didn't have to clean the fish :p

    Take care.

  6. This past Sunday was raining buckets. I have never seen an Easter so sopping wet! Love your tulips...still waiting on mine (the old ones especially) to see if they'll return along with the new bulbs that I planted last fall.

  7. We were lucky this weekend Rowena, lots of sun. I hope your tulips will take, I find that mine only last the first planting after that they rot or don't do too well.

    Take care.

  8. We like broccoli/asparagus with sesame dressing too, but never combined the two veggies. good idea. fish looks yummy. I'll copy this post. Thanks.

  9. Hope you like this PB :)

    Take care.


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