Friday, May 21, 2010

on a walk

The weather had been rainy for the past couple of days, so I haven't been able to get out and about, I thought I should share some photos I took on a walk awhile back.

Sansho--Japanese pepper plant. The Chinese sichuan pepper is related, though I think the Chinese use it dried while I think the Japanese grind up the fresh pods.

The Japanese also use the leaves to decorate and season foods.

Wild poppies in an empty lot. Too bad I didn't catch them when there were more blooms.

Most cherry trees that bloom in Spring do not produce fruit. But lately I've been noticing that there are some that do have fruit.

I've never seen the fruit from these trees in the markets but have seen them on neighbor's trees.

Unlike this tree, most have netting around it so that the birds do not get at the fruit.

I hope the bad weather will stop soon so that I can get out of the house for more walks.

Hope you have a good weekend.


  1. These days we have been taking walks much earlier in the morning because it starts to get too hot after 10:30am. Mr B hates walking in the slightest bit of heat...he just lags behind and gives me the "look". Maddie on the other hand thinks that it isn't that hot! If I'm too busy in the garden, we just wait til MotH gets home from work when it's cooler.

  2. Here's hoping you get some sunshine there. I have never seen the sansho plant before--just the ground pepper--Interesting!

  3. Thanks Rowena, My first "walk" is usually in the morning to go grocery shopping then again for about an hour in late afternoon.

    Thanks Debinhawaii, we had tons of sun yesterday and it was so hot I thought I would melt!

    Take care you two.


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