Thursday, June 17, 2010

odds & ends

Just a random post on some of things I've been eating...Okahijiki (saltwort) is the thin green stuff in this photo, as I looked online for info on this, apparently this is a relative of the plant that turns into tumbleweeds....okay.

This particular plant reminded me of spinach and was mixed with other veggies and seasoned with sesame seeds, shoyu and mirin.

With Ferdinand's chocolate chiffon bread, think chocolate brioche, I made some bread pudding for our breakfast one morning. I added some chocolate chips, almonds and dried cherries.

Also at Ferdinand, I like their bbq pork sandwich.

It sort of reminds me of banh mi with a Japanese twist to it as they use an oriental spicy sauce for their pork.

Black bean burrito. Using Ellie Krieger's Black Bean Dip recipe, I wrapped two tablespoons of black bean dip, some cheese, lettuce and cilantro in a flour tortilla.

On the side I added some cherry tomatoes and olives.

At Burdigala a couple of weeks back, I enjoyed their Fava Bean and Red Bell Pepper Quiche. I was surprised at how generous they were with the fava beans. This was perfect for lunch.

On one of my walks, I could actually hear this bullfrog through the earphones of my iPhone.

They make a really low pitched sound which reminds me of belching (sorry if you were eating).

Tropicana's Seasons Best, a blend of pineapple, grapefruit, mango and papaya. Super refreshing.

Mariage Frères' Summer Snow, a flavored tea. Red and black berry with a hint of lemon, this one smells like Japanese bubble gum.

A women's magazine (Hanako) paired up with Ohayo, a beverage company and came out with this smoothie. Only 33% fruit and the 2nd ingredient in the list is sugar (boo!) but I loved all the bits of fruit (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, peach and apple)

Made my own boba coffee. Iced coffee with a couple tablespoons of sweetened coconut milk (lite) and a heaping spoonful of colorful tapioca...yum!

A variation on the coffee adzuki dessert I love...instead of condensed milk, I used sweetened coconut milk (lite)....yum!(again!)

I thought the gradation was neat. Satoshi really liked the taste of this too.

Hope you are having a great week, we had rain for 2 days straight....and now we have gross humidity.


  1. Your blogs always make me hungry, such delcious looking food!! Very clever on the making your own boba coffee, I have never tried that kinda thing before!

  2. What did you say again about living next door? ^-^ I think we would feed each quite well with the kind of stuff you whip up so quickly. And saltwort...just found the seeds (out of curiosity).

  3. Thanks Goldenwolf, if you can get tapioca pearls where you are just boil some up, then add some sugar to some milk, then add some coffee :)

    wow you can grow saltwort from seeds? Amazing Rowena :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Sorry to hear about the humidity. That's why we never go to Japan in summer. My husband finds it horrible, but I don't mind tropical heat. However, I have taken note of what you said about no cooling breezes.
    I always wondered what that green stuff was (saltwort). I always thought it was some kind of minature, very thin bean.

  5. The burrito with the black bean filling caught my eye; it looks healthy and delicious. Even though we aren't an ethnically tortilla eating family (lol), my mom has always used tortillas as an alternate starch aside from rice and bread. She always heats them up slightly in an un-oiled pan and makes toasted sandwiches with them. For breakfast, we ate buttered tortillas instead of toast. Yum!

  6. Is the green stuff the stuff they "sea asparagus"? Tumbleweed huh? Interesting.

  7. Thanks Momiji, you would think I would get used to this humidity, but I'm a wimp!

    I think it is so cool that you had tortillas Anon!

    No Rick they aren't the same.

    Take care everyone.

  8. Hey Kat - You've been eating well! That sandwich looks great... and "Land Hijiki" huh? That's something I'd like to try.

  9. Thanks Kirk, I was surprised with that hijiki too :) Hope you have a great weekend!

    Take care.

  10. Thanks Crew02 :)

    Take care.

  11. OK, chocolate bread pudding is my idea of a great breakfast! ;-) Everything else looks good too.

  12. I really think chocolate (dark) should be a food group Debinhawaii :)

    Take care.


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