Wednesday, June 30, 2010

odds & ends

Some odds and ends (because it is the end of the month)...Lawson's roll cake, they say you should eat it with a spoon and you should because there is definitely more cream than cake.

We halved this chocolate one and a green tea one, I like the chocolate one better, the green tea version seemed really dry.

Pukka's Three Berry the combination of fruits in here. There are actually more than three berries to make this tea...rosehip, elderberry, hibiscus, licorice, blueberry, amla fruit (gooseberry fruit), blackberry, cranberry, black currant extract & blueberry extract.

A really huge slice of rolled cake (I think this was 2 and a half slices worth) at La Marina de Bourbon was perfect with a pot of their Umeda tea, a fruity blend of pears and other fragrant herbs. (UPDATE: 2011 this restaurant is now closed)

Kazokutei's Java-style curry udon. This curry starts off sweet then the spices kick in and then your mouth is on fire, but it keeps you going back for more.

The first time I tried this, it didn't have soup mixed in, but this time, (I think they made a mistake when they served us), it had quite a lot of soup. It was still delicious, but I would have liked it "drier".

Doutor's chai, way too sweet...blah!

Because Summer is here, many eateries have very spicy foods to make you perspire! (which is supposed to help cool you down) Habanero chicken nuggets from KFC. These are potent.

I tried one without the hot sauce (the sauce is to power up the spiciness) that comes with it and ended up coughing a whole lot. I then put some of the hot sauce on another nugget and it wasn't even spicy, weird, yeah?

Delirium Tremens, a Belgian beer with 8.5% alcohol content. My Flickr friend introduced me to this and I was able to find it in Osaka.

This beer had a lot of foam (which I particularly didn't like) but it was really fruity and light, perfect for hot summery nights and spicy foods. We had this with some gyoza that we bought from the department store.

A wheatberry and pearl barley dish, I threw together with some zucchini and onion I roasted in the oven. Some fresh and very sweet cherry tomatoes and a sprinkle of ras el hanout.

There was a little fire in my oven because the cooking paper touched the oven element, I froze and stared at it for a bit, luckily it stopped burning when the flame touched the veggies, but there were bits of ash here and there.

Still, the salad came out delicious and no ash taste.

A new item at the convenience store...Starbucks Andalucia Orange Chocolate Mocha, again orange and chocolate...enough said!

Our June was great, hope yours was too!


  1. And yet again, Starbucks did it. Orange and chocolate... what a tangy combination.

  2. Greetings, cheers and aloha from a Hawaii expat living part-time in London!

    I love these pix and posts from another world-dweller's view(discovered your blog through Rubber Slippers in Italy!).

  3. It WAS a great combination Mikuru :)

    Thanks for stopping by Jude, hope you are enjoying London :)

    Take care you two.

  4. Wow, I wish we had some of these products back in the US. Habanero chicken nuggets sound good! So does the orange and chocolate starbucks!

  5. I heard there is a storm approaching Texas Genki, hope you guys won't be affected!

    Take care.

  6. Those cakes look pretty yummy--as does everything actually. ;-)

  7. A great collection of leftover pics (hmm..that beer sounds good), and I giggled at the part about the fire because it reminded me of the time I was flambeing(sp?) something and this huge flame burst up, almost singed my face and all I did was laugh. MotH just gave me a look (raised eyebrow then rolled eyeballs).

    @Jude - I wanna see pics of a great place for fish, chips and ale!!!

  8. Thanks Debinhawaii :)

    It was the same thing when my pot holder touched the element, Rowena, I stood there and watched it burn a bit. I'm glad you didn't get hurt when you flambe-ed!

    Take care you two.

  9. Haha -Rowena, first I need to *find* a good London fish-n-chippie (weirdly difficult these days!) I promise a post when the deed is done!

    Oh, K and S, your post reminded me of an intriguing rumor - that Nutella drinks are available in Japan. I hope it's true! :-)

  10. Despite the foam, that beer does perfect for summer! And I love anything with barley, looks delicious. :)

  11. Nutella drinks in Japan Jude?? I must find them!!!! :)

    Thanks Cilantropist :)

    Take care you two.

  12. Lots of yummy stuff in this post!

    Your curry udon reminded me that for whatever reason, I love curry, and I love udon noodles, but I've never loved curry udon.. weird, right? Might have to give it a few more tries haha.

  13. That is funny K :) But I know of someone who doesn't eat onions per se, but will eat onion rings.

    Take care.


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