Thursday, July 15, 2010

hawaii volunteers

Yesterday I went to help my mom's church group make tsukemono (pickles).

They do this throughout the year for different church events. In fact, I've written about it before here.

300 pounds of daikon (long white radish) sounds like a lot, and it is, but with 15 to 20 people cleaning, peeling and chopping, we usually finish within a couple of hours, which actually flies by because we are all so busy.

It is always nice to overhear the chatter that goes on while the ladies are doing their thing, though some cannot do two things at once and some hands stop working while they chat...ahem.

I am also amazed at how the men stay "on their side" of the kitchen and keep to their own conversations.

Though I hate wearing those net thingies for my hair, it is still great to help out.


  1. I haven't volunteered in a setting like this in a loong time, how nice to hear it described in this post (brings back memories!)

  2. It sounds like you are having a good holiday. This is my first visit to your blog and I've been browsing through some of your earlier posts. I'm glad I took the time to do that. I really like the tone of your blog and the way you write. I'll be back often to seen what else you've been up to. I hope the day treats you well. Blessings...Mary

  3. HI Kat.

    When I heard about how much takuan you were making. I was amazed. And I'm amazed at how much short work you made of it all.

    Definitely a case of 'Many hands make light work'.

    Way to go.


  4. Ahh this is "so local!" Makes me nostalgic for home :)

  5. Hey Kat - This is such a nice "slice of home"!

  6. So where's the photo of you in a hair net?!?!? Let's see it,Kat. lol

  7. Sounds like fun--except for the hair net of course! ;-)

  8. aw thanks Jude :)

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting Mary :)

    Thanks TK!

    Thanks Jalna!

    Glad to share Kirk :)

    Ha, if I show it to you Pocky, I may have to take away all your media (iphone, computer, digital camera) forever ;)

    Definitely Debinhawaii :)

    Take care everyone!

  9. ...though some cannot do two things at once and some hands stop working while they chat... - LOL! Love when ladies get together to gossip!

  10. so true though Rowena :)

    Take care.


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