Tuesday, September 28, 2010

we're 5!

When we first moved to Japan in 2001, I would update our friends and family with emails.

But not wanting to stuff their inboxes nor bore them, I started this blog in 2005 so that if they wanted to read what we were up to they could whenever they wanted to.

Who would have thought that people from all over the world would also check into what we were up to??

Fast forward to today...this blog's 5th birthday...I can't believe I've kept a journal for this long!

To celebrate, I thought it would be nice to give something away...a care package to 1 lucky reader.

Keeping with the "5" theme...this care package will be valued at 5000 yen (about US$50) not including postage.

Hopefully you will not be allergic to anything I put in the care package nor will the customs guys decide that they need to receive the package or contents instead of you, or that they will make you pay some ridiculous tax or fee for it.

If you win, please blog about your care package after you receive it, linking your post to this blog.

To enter, please write a comment in our comments section by September 30, 2010, 9:28 a.m. (Japan time), no anonymous or ad type comments please, also to be fair, please enter only once....Satoshi will be pulling the name of the winner, and we'll announce the winner on October 1, 2010.

I would like to thank you for reading our blog. I am happy to have met some of you personally and also cherish the virtual friendships.

Blogging has really expanded my interest in food and my waistline (LOL) and I've learned a lot about cooking and myself in the process.

Not sure how long I will be able to keep this blog going but am definitely looking forward to blogging for at least the next couple of years.

Kanpai! (Cheers!) UPDATE: comments now closed, thanks for participating! to see what was in the box, click here.


  1. Congratulations on your blog's 5th birthday!

    After reading this post I checked and found out that I've had my blog for a little over 3 years which is amazing! Although I definitely don't post half as regularly as you do.....


  2. ...nor will the customs guys decide that they need to receive the package or contents instead of you - buahahaa! Congrats Kat. Just leaving a comment (you've sent me so many goodies already, time for somebody else to be the lucky recipient). I just wish I could've said yes to Nate's offer of veggie seeds in the mail. :-(

  3. Wow, five years, that's fantastic! Happy blogiversary!

  4. WOW - Happy Happy Year #5!! That's so awesome you've been doing this for so long :) I hope this marks another long while of reading your beautiful blog!

  5. Happy 5th anniversary to your blog!

  6. Congratulations!! I so admire your longevity, especially since you post daily. That is amazing. I was gonna say that you needn't put my name in the hat because I have already been the recipient of one of your previous giveaways, but after thinking about what a treat it was to receive your goodies I changed my mind . . . PUT MY NAME IN THERE, KAT!

  7. Congratulations on your anniversary! Your blog was one upon which I relied for information about restaurants and fun stuff in the Kansai area. Even though I don't live there anymore, I still enjoy reading about your adventures there!

  8. Happy 5th anniversary/blog birthday!

    Funny- that's how my blog got started too, I felt like I was starting to Spam my friends with "this is a fun link!!" info all the time before starting, haha!

  9. Happy 5th anniversary! Really enjoy all the food photos and stories you post so that I can experience Japan vicariously.

  10. What a nice idea. Happy Fifth Birthday to you.

  11. Wow, congrats on the fifth year Kat and Satoshi! I hope you keep blogging much longer than that.. I can't wait to blog about my food served at the nursing home.. ;) Hopefully blogger will still be around then, haha.

  12. Happy Birthday! I can't remember how I first found your blog, but I love reading about all your Japan (and Hawaii) food adventures.

  13. Happy 5th, Kat! I love and look forward to reading your posts everyday. Our Adventures in Japan is definitely a gem. :)

  14. Congrats! I used to live in Japan but live in Hawaii now so I always enjoy seeing your posts about both places!

  15. Congratulations on your blog's anniversary! Always love reading what's going on in your corner of Japan, makes the day more interesting :)

  16. Wow, 5 years! Congratulations! I'm heading up to my first anniversary, so it blows my mind to think how far I've got to go before I reach your level of awesomeness ;)

    Love your blog and the memories it brings back of my time in Japan!

  17. Wow 5 years, おめでとうございます。I really enjoy reading your blog and trying the restaurants and recipes that you share. Cheers!

  18. Congrats on the 5th year anniversary of your blog, Kat. You truly are a consistent poster! Thanks for sharing your life in Japan and Hawaii!

  19. Happy 5th blog birthday, Kat! Is that about 50 real-life years? ;)

    Seriously, I enjoy your blog so much. I always look forward to your descriptions of food and everyday life in Japan and all the great photos.

  20. Happy 5th! We moved to Japan in 2001, too. Guzen!

  21. I'm coming up on 4 years...arigato for helping me set mine up. Seems only like a short time ago.

  22. Kat thanks for the enjoyable reading. Have enjoyed seeing (and tasting) Japan through your eyes! congrats!

  23. Happy 5th Birthday!

    Just wanted to say that you have brought a lot of joy to readers such as myself with your blog and beautiful pictures. I just wish I started reading your blog BEFORE my Japan trip 3 years ago. I would've eaten so much better! It's okay though - I just have more reason to visit again soon!

  24. I moved to Japan 9 months ago now and yours was one of the first blogs I found when I was looking for inspiration for my own. Thanks for updating so regularly!

  25. Hey Kat - A most happy Blogga-versary to you! And sincere hopes for man years and delicious posts!

  26. wow, 5 years! Happy Blogaversary!

  27. Maika'i! You have a great blog which I check pretty much everyday. I look forward to more posts and especially more pictures of food.

  28. Hi Kat! Happy 5th anniversary! i found out about ur blog a few months ago and wow, reading all the food entries led to some cravings :p i also enjoyed other blog links u provide in ur blog. i love the regular entry. n i hope that this blog will be useful to u n entertain us for years to come! cheers!

  29. Congratulations on your 5 yr anniversary! Like a previous commenter, I looked back at my blog and found the first post was 3.5 years ago! WOW!

    Love looking at your pics of the fancy Japanese foods and snacks!

  30. Hi Kat,
    I love your blog, I found it about a year ago and read it everyday. I don't have a blog so maybe I can't win but just want to let you know I look forward to your updates.


  31. Been reading your blog for about a year. First time to post. I hope I win!

  32. I enjoy reading your blog but it always makes me so hungry! It's very interesting reading the scope of food available in Japan, for some reason I thought food from other countries would be hard to find--but it probably depends on where you live in Japan, same as in the US. I hope to be able to visit Japan someday, in the meantime I'll have to be content with reading your posts 8-)

  33. Congrats! I found your blog a few months ago and have really enjoyed following.
    - Steve

  34. Love your blog! You have such excellent pictures! :)

  35. I lived in tokyo for three years, reading your blog remind me the food and culture. Congratulations on reaching 5 years.

  36. Happy 5th birthday (for your blog!)! I have actually booked my ticket to go to Tokyo in December, and am looking to your blog for food inspiration! ;)

  37. おめでとうございます!!! I've been following your blog since last year and I always enjoy every entry! Looking forward to more (^^)/

  38. Hi, I chanced upon your blog in 2007 whilst searching something about Halloween (I think) ... or was it white chocolate ... em ... I can't remember now.

    I rarely ever comment (laziness), but always enjoy reading your blog. It is informative, interesting and gives insight on food, life and culture of Japan (and Hawaii of course)

    I was very inspired to blog because of you, but work commitment forbids so and I gave up after a few posting, preferring to read instead.

    Thank you for your generosity to share and disciplined commitment to update interesting info for us readers out there.

    Congratulations on the 5th year with best wishes for many many more years to come!

  39. Wow! Five years! Congratulations Kat and Satoshi! I haven't been anywhere as active as you have been on your blog so I admire your updating! It's not always easy! :) Many more years to come!

