Monday, October 04, 2010

happy 101

I want to thank my blog friend, Jude, for awarding us this "Happy Award".

There are a lot of things that make me happy, especially when it comes to blogging.

Meeting new friends.

Trying new recipes.

Learning about different cuisines.

Finding out more about countries I've never been to before, or have been to.

I want to pass this award onto you, my readers, because reading your comments, good and/or bad, makes my day.

Well, of course I would like to only receive good ones, but one can't have everything, right?

Anyway, if you have some time, please pass this award onto someone, make them happy too.

Thank you again, Jude!


  1. Congrats Kat!!! You totally deserve this award. :)

  2. If anyone is deserving of the Happy Award, it would be you! Reading your blog makes me happy.

  3. Hi Kat - I totally agree! You have such a positive attitude, and are always entertaining.

  4. The nerve! Someone has left you bad comments before? Not nice.

  5. Thanks Pocky, Jenster & Kirk :)

    Yes Rowena, I guess I could delete um but I figure they took the time to leave one, may as well keep um.

    Take care everyone.

  6. Aw, thanks for the little mention. Bizarre anyone would leave bad comments! (I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go round.)

  7. Thanks for sharing this award Jude!

    Take care.

  8. Your blog keeps me happy! :)
    have a great week!

  9. Aw thanks Moshi :)

    Take care.


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