Saturday, October 16, 2010

on the lanai

Thought I should give an update as to what's happening on my lanai.

For the most part, daytime is still quite warm. Though the past couple of days, the sun has been playing hide and seek.

Recently I've noticed many flowers on the bell pepper plant.

The other day I noticed a bell pepper. (actually I noticed a couple more after taking this pic)

Cilantro seems to be doing well too, maybe about 3 inches tall??

I thought we wouldn't have any goya this year but we have about four goya getting bigger! It is the first time they have gotten this big.

I think the key is lots of water.

The largest is about 3 or 4 inches, the smallest about 2 inches.

Not sure as to when it is ready to pick, any suggestions?


  1. The cilantro looks awesome! I'm so impressed with you growing a veritable veg garden on the lanai :) Lots of tender loving care!

  2. Thanks Jude! lots of sun and water :)

    Take care.

  3. Very impressive! I may have to branch out from herbs after seeing all you are growing. ;-)

  4. Yah, the cilantro looks great. And nice goya so far! You got it this year! Don't know if I told you, but I used to "feed" my stuff with Miracle-Gro.

  5. Your plants look great!
    do you keep your cilantro inside? mine hasn't been growing as big

  6. Wow! Goya!! It's definitely not going to get warm anymore as days average about 16°C and nights 10°C. Surprisingly the purple tomatillo plant is still thriving and there's some tomatillos on it too.

  7. Everything looks excited to see what you cook up with the goya!

  8. Fun seeing what can grow out of pots Debinhawaii :)

    Don't have Miracle-Gro, and want to try to keep things organic, Nate :)

    I actually keep it outside ~fer, but I cover it at night with a plastic sheet. It needs lots of water and lots of sun.

    Now that I have a couple growing bigger, am wondering when to pick them Rowena, the nights are getting colder, so I am thinking they may not get any bigger?

    Take care everyone!

  9. hope to make some goya champuru with it Kathy :)

    Take care.

  10. Hey Kat - Those bittermelon look great! You sure do have a green thumb.


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