Saturday, December 11, 2010

tsubaki or sasanqua

Tsubaki (camellia) is a delicate flower that blooms in early Spring.

The seeds are pressed for oil and used as hair oil.

Sasanqua, another type of camellia, blooms in Autumn & Winter.

The flower of the tsubaki falls off whole, while the sasanqua's petals fall one by one.

The sansanqua leaves have a jagged edge where as the tsubaki leaves are smooth.

Who would've thought that such a delicate flower would have such a hearty seed?

I spotted this sasanqua "tree" while walking in Kyoto. It was quite tall so I couldn't get too close to it.


  1. Camellias are such gorgeous flowers (and I think they're the same sort of plants producing most delicious tea leaves? :)) - how wonderful you can just spot these on an everyday walk through your part of the planet!

  2. I there has to be a quote somewhere that extolls peculiar strength behind a delicate surface, but I suck at remembering quotes. Let's just go with, what you see is not always what you get, or beauty isn't always skin deep. (Yeah, it's me already anticipating a crazy weekend - have a good one!)

  3. yes a variety of the camellia is the tea we all love Jude :) oh, I usually have to do "research" after I take the photos :)

    You have a good one too Rowena.

    Take care you two.

  4. Hi Kat - The Missus loves camellia's..... and I like your photo!

  5. do you get to see many camellia in SD, Kirk? Just wondering.

    Take care.

  6. That is a very hearty seed for such a seemingly delicate bloom.

  7. I guess it would have to be hearty Debinhawaii, to withstand the winter ;)

    Take care.


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