Saturday, January 01, 2011

hawaii eats

In some parts of the world it is already 2011.

In Hawaii...we still have many hours to go.

This was one of the first things I had (when my stomach could handle)....bacon!

The BLT (bacon lettuce tomato) from Kua'Aina.

Actually had wanted the BLAT (bacon lettuce avocado tomato), but they had run out of avocado.

Oh well, just happy to have had my crispy bacon fix.

Happy New Year everyone!


  1. I like BLAT sandwiches too! This one looks tasty too, hope you're enjoying your NYE!

  2. I am so glad you are feeling better. I hate when you need the Kua'Aina fix and they are out! :-(

    Had a grilled cheese from the Melt Honolulu truck this week and thought of you! ;-)

  3. It's 11:46pm - 12/31 for you as I type this so just wishin' a Happy New Year!

  4. hope you had a great NYE, K!

    mmm MELT, want to check them out next time I'm home Debinhawaii :)

    Happy New Year Rowena!!

    Happy New Year Patzie!

    Take care everyone.

  5. Hey Kat - I'm glad you're feeling better!

  6. thanks Kirk, me too :)

    Take care.


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