Wednesday, January 19, 2011


season around here, though this year, the strawberries are apparently very expensive because of the bad weather.

I tried Kamuro's ichigo daifuku recently.

The mochi (rice cake) outside is like a fluffy marshmallow and besides the whole strawberry in the middle, what usually is a sweet bean paste, is instead made from egg yolk and milk and the texture is like a whipped custard.

Super light and delicious. I'm glad I only bought one otherwise I would have eaten more.


  1. Although I love anko, I've never been too convinced by its combination with strawberries.
    This neatly dodges that trap: it sounds delicious!

  2. Heck I could go for a dozen by just the photo alone. I wonder how strawberry season will be for us.

  3. Oh, I've always wanted to try those strawberry mochis! They look fantastic!

  4. That does look delicious Kat!

  5. Looks tasty- I agree, I could prob eat way too many of these in one sitting!

  6. really Alesa? that is interesting. this would definitely dodge it.

    with the heat and rain of summer and then the snow in winter it really screwed up a lot of produce and fruits Rowena, hope your strawberries will not be affected.

    I've attached a recipe to my post Su-Lin, if you can get your hands on the ingredients I hope you give it a try.

    Thanks Kirk :)

    K, Especially since there isn't a lot of mochi, just a thin covering.

    Thanks Vincent!

    Take care everyone.

  7. It looks delicious!! I think I would much prefer the strawberry version over the more traditional anko (red bean paste).

  8. from what you described, i really want one now!

  9. Thanks Holly!

    Ditto Jalna :)

    Thanks J-A, you do realize that the original strawberry version has sweet bean paste (anko) also.

    I hope you get to try some soon Patzie :)

    Take care everyone.

  10. That does look light and delicious! ;-)

  11. like air Deb in Hawaii ;)

    Take care.


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