Friday, February 11, 2011

peanut monaka

Recently, my friend Aya, sent me a package of these peanut monaka made by Nagomi no Yoneya.

She lives in Chiba prefecture and one of the things they are known for is...peanuts.

Don't you just love the packaging? I do.

Monaka is a type of Japanese confection with a wafer outside and sweet bean paste in the middle.

The wafer texture reminds me of an ice cream cone.

Most monaka are square or round but this one is shaped like a peanut so to keep its shape they are put into these plastic containers.

Aya had also wrapped these in bubble wrap, but they still got a little beat up.

Inside is sweet bean paste mixed with peanuts. It amazingly tastes more like peanut than it does sweet bean.

Thank you Aya!

Nagomi no Yoneya (main shop)
500 Kami-cho
Narita, Chiba
Phone: 0476.22.1661
*their products can also be found around Chiba prefecture in smaller shops

It is Friday, a National holiday (Kenkoku-kinen no hi: Foundation Day) and the start of a 3-day weekend, I'll be off the grid so I'll check your comments when we get back, hope you have a nice weekend.


  1. Oooh...3 day weekend! I think this peanut-sweet bean confection would sell like hotcakes in the islands, or at the very least, appreciated big time as omiyagi! Look forward to your travel report!

  2. Enjoy your long weekend!

  3. You are welcome!!
    It is my pleasure if you liked it.
    Thank you for posting for it ;)

    This three-days weekend gonna be in the NASTY weather...but we should enjoy it. Have a wonderful weekend and Travel safely!!

  4. I found this link on the NY Times site. It is only something you could find in Japan. It's a set to make your own candy sushi and it is really cool how it works, especially the fish eggs. Have you seen it?

  5. Love the packaging, so cute!!

    Have a great long weekend!!

  6. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

    I do love the packaging on that monaka--so cute. ;-)

  7. Thanks Rowena :)

    Thanks Anon!

    Thank you again Aya!

    I saw that Anon, amazing, but all that sugar!

    Japan, the land of cute, J-A :)

    It is cute isn't it, Deb in Hawaii?

    Take care everyone.

  8. Haha- love the Peanut character w/ the arms and legs on the case!

  9. doesn't Japan have the best packaging, K??

    Take care.


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