Monday, March 21, 2011


People are still looking for their loved ones, these stories are the hardest to watch or hear about.

On a positive note, one prefecture in the disaster area has given residents bicycles that were abandoned or parked illegally. Since gasoline is so limited, they figured that getting around by bicycle would be a good means of transportation.

They asked bicycle shop owners in the area to help "fix-up" these bicycles, adding air to tires, and started giving them away.

These days we've been eating a lot of rice dishes. I especially like donburi (rice bowl dishes) (because there are less dishes to wash afterwards).

I also like using pork.

Thinly sliced pork marinated in some pre-made yakiniku sauce.

Wilt some sliced cabbage then cook the pork. Top everything with green onions.

Another donburi was inspired from kimu-taku yakimeshi.

I sauteed some whittled gobo (burdock), carrots & zucchini in sesame oil and added some pork.

When everything was coated I added some tsubozuke & kim chee.

Put over rice and top with green onions.

Fast, easy and delicious, my kind of cooking. Hope you have a good week.


  1. Lovely idea to provide bicycles for people to get around - always inventive and thoughtful.
    Your dishes look delicious Kat!

  2. Sounds delicious! Very comfort-food like ^w^~ Have you ever tried pouring green tea over rice? I've hear that it is delicious, but I've yet to try it myself.

    It's nice to hear that people are making do and helping each other. It's the most encouraging, isn't it?

    Here's a smile from Canada: :D

  3. Those stories break my heart too, Kat. Your dons look good. Love your cute plating.

  4. The stories about the missing are very hard to watch. My heart goes out to all of them.

    Your rice bowls look comforting and delicious.

  5. I remember your post about the confiscated bicycles so it's nice that those bikes are being given to those who could really use them now. One dish delish!

  6. Thanks Carol :)

    Yes green tea over rice is called chazuke, Rissa, you can use other teas too, like Hoji-cha, very delicious especially if you add some pickled veggies too.

    Thanks Jalna :)

    I hope they will find more people Deb in Hawaii :)

    Thanks Rowena, so glad they are making use of these bicycles :)

    Take care everyone.

  7. What a great idea, using up the abandoned bikes for a useful cause!

  8. I wish more cities would use their abandoned bikes this way too, K!

    Take care.


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