Saturday, March 26, 2011

peko peko

I'm participating in a charity cookbook project called Peko Peko charity cookbook for Japan.

I believe "peko peko" is the onomatopoetic sound your stomach makes when it is really hungry.

This project is being coordinated by several bloggers and there is a website up (the website no longer exists).

Hopefully the cookbook can be put together quickly, check back here or the website for more info.


  1. Brava! I put the badge for the cookbook project on my site... Which recipe are you submitting? ; )

  2. What a wonderful thing to do. I will be happy to purchase when it's available. I am a long time reader (not so often commenter) and so happy to know you are doing well.

  3. Great idea!! A charity cookbook is bound to be very popular and anything that can help the disaster in Japan is a worthwhile cause.

    I have posted on my blog about the Red Cross Japan Disaster Appeal that is assisting people affected by the earthquake and tsunami disaster.

    Japan Australia

  4. That's great Kat--I can't wait to see what you make for it. ;-)

  5. Thanks everyone! hope this project will be a success!

    Take care.

  6. Wow! This sounds great! Congratulations!


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